Zork raises up and gives those that know the goblin tongue to talk but he also moves over to block his path from where they came in case he tries to escape.
Faerydae reverses cure light wounds ( got a 4 on a d8) and holds on to the goblin's head to stun it to the ground for the others to secure him.
Faerydae ensures that the creature is dead and then arises and stands over the body, she closes her eyes and prays silently to Naralis Analor explaining what she did and why she had to do it.
Avan leads the party along the track, 15 feet ahead of them and 15 feet behind Mr Fluffles. He talks in whispers and tries to walk quietly but still keeping a good pace.
Spot: 16+6 = 22
Listen: 9+6 = 15
Mr. Fluffles
Spot: 6+3 = 9
Listen: 6+3 = 9
Avan and Mr Fluffles will advance quietly to see who stopped up ahead and get a better position. Both have low light vision. Avan readies his bow.
Avan Ohek Results:
Avan Move Silently on D20 (+5): 19, 14 (2 rolls)
Cat Move Silently on D20 (+8): 17, 23 (2 rolls)
Avan Spot on D20 (+6): 7 (1 rolls)
Cat Spot on D20 (+3): 18 (1 rolls)
Avan tries to use his stealth to his advantage. He tries to emerge in a flanking position and attacks with his club.
Avan Ohek Results:
Initiative on D20 (+2): 19 (1 roll)
Avan Attacks on D20 (+0): 7, 10, 4 (3 rolls)
Avan Damage on D6 (+0): 6, 2, 2 (3 rolls)
Cat claw on D20 (+4): 7, 16, 9, 14, 18 (5 rolls)
Cat bite on D20 (+-1): 9, 19 (2 rolls)