Avan shoots back at the goblins throwing javelins. If he gets hit again, he will cure himself instead.
Mr Fluffles supports Zork at the front.
(2 rounds)
Zork, angered by his misses and taking on damage as well fights more intensely to finish the battle here.
Krusten keeps shooting her arrows until the goblins across the corridor are wiped out.
Out of Character: I'm going to add in some extra rolls in case its needed to finish the job.
Out of Character: I'm not sure if I get my +1 for missile weapons so I just did -4
In character: "I've always wanted to try this, its a small hall with big targets, how difficult can it be?" Arkanoth grabs one of the Javalins and throws it as hard as he can down the hallway behind the group at one of the goblins.
Out of Character: I'm not sure, are there still goblins to attack or did they all run away / were killed? If there are still some she continues to fire, if not she begins searching the goblins and retrieving arrows.