Lionel will be accompanied by Brother Pundit, and bodyguard and judicial champion if necessary, Ryorst, while everyone else waits apart. I will wander into town a short time BEFORE, and see if I can get positioned somewhere useful, blend in with the crowd and see what I can learn, using my various social skills, so there is no obvious connection between myself and the others. I want to find out what I can about the Duke, people's opinions of him and of the orcs and activity going on, any reports of attacks, etc.
Pundit has not posted here but you ok it, I'm going to posit that the player RPGPundit will be ok with his character acting as advisor, and Ryorst will be the bodyguard retainer.
Apologies KN, this is a special circumstance - I need to update/correct my last PL post but it won't let me post again so soon after my last one.
Scratch the part about Pundit going with Lionel. Neither he nor Krusten want to be anywhere near the Duke's place if at all possible. Namdar will still go in as planned to try to gather info, and Lionel and Ryorst will go in directly.
1. Lionel:
"Thank you", Lionel the officer as he readies to go in, he unpacks his best cloths to take with him, and anything else he may need. While going with the officer into the manor, he starts a conversation with him. Lionel looks around, to see what splendors the Duke has, and who is there. He asks the officer, "This is a splendid manor, not as great as was my father's palace mind you, but still impressive for the rank of a duke. So tell me what is your name officer, and what can you tell me about this Duke Thermwood that I will be meeting?"
ooc: I make a spot check (19, counts mod) and charisma check (17, counts mod)
2. Ryorst:
Ryorst followed Lionel a few paces behind, careful to keep an ear out for anything that seems important or unusual.
Listen check, 1d20 rolled. After bonuses I get a 19.
OOC: Alright, I rolled more dice as suggested. My totals, after applying my +4 rank, and my -1 WIS mod, are:
2d20: 11, 19 (-3 to each roll if needed without mods)
2d12: 6, 9
2d6: 8, 9
3. Namdar:
"I wonder why this is such a crap shoot? I hear dissatisfaction with the Duke in some capacity, but nothing specific - how can one be 'generally' displeasing, but not in any way you could point to? This is puzzling. And I still wonder how long this is going to take - we need to coordinate between the inside and outside groups as much and as efficiently as possible." The half-orc decides to:
1.) follow-up on the best, most likely places and people where he seemed to get the most useful and talkative information about the Duke's lack of screaming supporters, attempting to get an idea of how long an audience usually lasts, including the waiting and such - if it's typically a few hours, a day, etc.
2.) He also wants to keep an eye on Grue to make sure he's ok in the stables
3.) see if there is any suitable candidate to be "shadowed" that might lead Namdar to some other person or place that might provide more info on this place, the Duke, orcs, etc.
4.) If it is obvious, either from directly learning it or from his estimation that the audience will go a long time, Namdar will do what he can to find out how long, even from Lionel (though still in disguise), and go meet up with the group to tell them, and then go back, if possible, to make sure Lionel isn't there by himself for very long.
1D6 (init?): 1/+ DexBon = 2, 4/+1 = 5
1D12 (perc?): 9, 11 (no adjust; I have: *F: Investigator, 2 Listen,
3 Search, 2 Spot)
1D20: 15, 13 (no adjust: I have: 2 Bluff, 3 Diplomacy, 3 Disguise, 3 Gather Info, 2 Intimidate, 2 Perform: Act, 2 Sense Motive, 2 Hide, 3 Move Silent)
Outside Group
Oliron creeps ahead to the sound of someone or something moving threw the woods to the North. He is prepared to fight to death but also keeping his shot until he is sure the target is foe.
No Modifiers
2d6 = 2,3
2d8 = 1,5
2d10 = 6,3
2d12 = 7,7
2d20= 15,2 : if needed
Pundit: Let us all go together carefully. No sense pursuing this alone unless the person is within sight so we can see what happens so let's all go together.
* Krusten doesn't like all the sudden activity, it make her nervous. She notches two arrows and places herself behind a tree. *
Go ahead if you wish I will cover you from here.
SA: Just as above.
Roll: d20 with modifier: 4, 20
d6: 7, 6
Beast doesn't like to be interrupted from his deer hunting. He carefully gets ready for combat if needed.
I am not sure what Skedvick is doing as he is not my character to use.
Edited: Oliron on 3rd Mar, 2010 - 4:04am
This is meant to be here, Web Team please do not move or delete!
Inside Group
Ryorst walks over and sits on the cot. He looks at Lionel.
"I have 5 silver says we're being spied on right now. Not that it matters, we've nothing to hide."
He falls silent, thinking, then asks, "What do you make of this place? I always imagined a Duke would be wealthier than this."
Lionel doesn't say anything at first, he washes and shaves. He ponders what he has seen and has been told as he does this. Nothing yet has shown any obvious corruption, and he knows that royalty that have become corrupt show it in some way, but this Duke seems to not show any real signs of wealth, or even any reason to work with the orcs for personal gain.
After a while Lionel speaks while he cuts his hair a bit and combing it to as good as he can by himself. He says to his "bodyguard", "I see nothing, as of yet, that suggests any corruption. For a Duke, he seems very practical. I meant it when I said that the keep was impressive but it was in a militaristic way, yet even royalty that have their peoples" best interests at heart have some riches to show, but his keep surprisingly unadorned. You can learn a lot by how royalty decorate their home".
After Lionel finishes cleaning up he says, "Ryorst, as my bodyguard I would like it if you could clean up a bit as well. I mean, no offence, but as being what you are, you do smell. I would like to give a good impression to the Duke when we meet him", Lionel looks out the window and says one last thing with a sigh, "I wish there was a way to contact our friends outside."
"There's nothing wrong with the way I smell." Ryorst grumbled as he went over to the wash basin and splashed some water into his face. He scrubbed his face and hair, though there really wasn't much dirt on him at all. WHen he finished, he came out into the entryroom.
"He still hasn't sent for us yet?"
Edited: Thomaslee on 4th Mar, 2010 - 12:51am
Outside Group
Oliron creeps threw the forest with his companions. Attempting to get closer to the orc party.
3d12: 10-11-12 no modifiers / 2d100: 83-9 +3 added from dex
* Krusten doesn't like how all of this is playing out *
Can't we just wait here and see if they come our way rather than go towards them?
3D12: 11-2-12 / 2D100: 10-76
Pundit: It's odd that the Orcs will be this close to the castle unless they are planning an invasion or in collusion with the Duke. We are close enough to the gate should we be in trouble so let's go in for a closer look.
3D12: 5-5-9 / 2D100: 56-78
Beast is now angry that he isn't getting any deer meat.
SA: I'm like all for finding out more and attacking if we need to.
3D12: 6-7-4 / 2D100: 42-76
Still not sure on Skedvick. I will make some rolls for him?
3d12: 5-2-3 / 2D100: 39-89
From these posts in head I see Oliron, Pundit, Beast, and Skedvick moving forward towards the orcs. Simply in investigation mode at this time. With Krusten not far behind but reluctant, sort of in stealth mode a bit removed from the party to the south. All are prepared for combat.
Inside Group
Lionel and Ryorst
"I can see that", Lionel says calmly at the words on "hostile forces", "I have met and had to fight some of these hostile forces, I have also seen a dead women clearly rape, and her baby cut to pieces. This and farmers' homes are being burned and their livelihood losted". Lionel takes a breath and then continues, watching the Duke closely, "I will not judge though, you have done all you can no", Lionel asks, "I also have something to admit, I am a prince, but I have no kingdom", Lionel finishes.
ooc: I roll a d20 for Wisdom (to see if I can read his reaction correctly and clearly), and Charisma (To see if he reacts positively). Rolled 22, counting mod, for Wisdom, and 19 for Charisma
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ryorst shifts uncomfortably behind Lionel and to the side a bit. He doesn't like being so... Caged. He looks up at the Dias, if any one of those people wished; the archers would shoot them dead on the spot. There was the duke, what seemed to be his wife, daughter maybe, maybe the captain of the guard, his son, or a bodyguard... But who was the figure in the cloak? An adviser? A sorcerer, to ward off magical enemies? An assassin, to do the Duke's will? Ryorst looked around, and then figured he might as well speak up.
"Sir, I apologizing for speaking out of turn", Ryorst said as he knelt to the Duke, "Lord, I am sorry, but it is my job to protect this man. I understand the need for guards, and I do not ask that they be removed, but... I would feel a lot better if I could see the faces of all who are present. Again, I apologize for speaking out of turn, but I am... Concerned."
OOC: I'll just make a bunch of rolls, in case anything is needed.
3d20: 10, 13, 19
3d12: 5, 10, 8
3d6: 5, 4, 6
1d%: 31
Lionel looks over at his 'bodyguard', giving him a hard look. He turns to the Duke and says, "I apologize for my guard speaking without leave, but what he says also seems reasonable to me." Lionel then asks the Duke, "Would it be too much trouble for everyone here to show their face completely."
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ryorst slowly backs up and stands behind Lionel and to the right a little bit.
Namdar considers what he is learning outside. It sounds more like the Duke may not be involved with the orcs in any malicious way, or at least not of a total certainty, as he may be just holding them off from rampaging across the country, until he can find some other better way to deal with them in a more forceful and permanent manner. He NEEDS to get a larger force, other, more authoritative royalty perhaps...
Edited: Thomaslee on 6th Mar, 2010 - 3:07am
Outside Group
Beast: Seeing what's going on angers Beast. Now they know that the Duke is behind it all. He holds his sword with a firm grip.
ooc: Why am I so tempted to just start beating them up now! You think we could take them on or just let them go? If we use arrows at them we can take out most before they reach us plus we have like surprise and all.
* Krusten frowns. She clenches her fist. She wishes that her acid spell could affect the whole group with limitless damage. She feels to destroy them all now but with half the group away she thinks it unwise to attack them now. *
Better to divide and conquer she whispers noticing Beast's reaction.
* Krusten puts a finger to her lips to say nothing. She then tries to reassure Beast by making a sign for him to be calm. Krusten hopes that no one will be stupid enough to take on this number of orcs now. *
We know the truth. Let's wait now for the others to return.
SA: Stay absolutely quiet.
Oliron whispers, "We can't allow this to happen, we have to stop them." "Lets fire arrows at them and run back towards the fort."
Pundit:ooc: I don't have a bow so I will not be able to assault them on the onset so I don't recommend an attack. If we got anything out of this is the reason for the orc attacks.
SA: Nods at Krusten action about being quiet. Wait and let them go on their way.
Oliron is frustrated to say the least as he watches the orcs walk away to rape and pillage unchecked. He understands they are outnumbered and had very little, honestly probably no chance of killing the orcs. Yet still thinks a little hit and run would be effective and rather risk free.
With a sigh Oliron lowers his bow and puts the arrow back in its quiver. Standing up he walks back to Jonas.
Edited: Oliron on 6th Mar, 2010 - 6:46pm
Lionel was quite as he watched the reaction of those before him. His eyes then followed the hooded figure as he, or she, left. He then turns to the Duke and says with what seemed to be no emotion, "I can see that request could not be granted".
"Like I said before, I am sure you are doing all you can, so I have an offer", Lionel says after a while, "My group and I could met the king for you. You see, I trust those I travel with, and know we could get word to the King quickly, and with little trouble, if you are willing".
ooc: I roll a d20 for Wisdom to continue and watch reactions, for Intelligence to see if I recognize anything with what Lionel have seen like with the hooded figure, and for Charisma to try and see what that might give me. I got 18, 19, 17 with mods.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ryorst walked over to Lionel and whispered in his ear,
"We should leave, we are not well received, and the Duke seems to have his own troubles here in court. I'd like to think we could help, but he is unable to speak. Either we find a way to meet with him privately, or we can be of no real use."
OOC: Rolling a few dice, again. I'll do it every "round" just to be safe.
3d20: 10, 19, 9
3d12: 11, 4, 6
3d6: 1, 3, 2
1d%: 29
Getting antsier as the time goes on, Namdar ruffles his cloak up about himself and meanders nearer the main entrance, waiting and watching for Lionel and Ryorst, with some trepidation, looking at the number of guards going about their duties. What if something DID go wrong or the Duke WAS somehow involved in a bad way with the orcs? What if the Duke were somehow enchanted by an evil court advisor, who controlled him like a puppet?
The half-orc chuckled to himself at the ridiculous thought, and instead took stock of the courtyard's defenses and design, looking for good places to infiltrate if necessary, for others from outside, or for him to escape or stalk along, from inside; windows, parapets, upper walkways. Briefly he wonders how the rest of the group are doing. No doubt hunting food to feed their already growing bellies, and taking it easy in the good life up above, not a care in the world.