Zork stays at this location waiting for the rest of the party to deal with the girls. Avan is with him. Should Faerydae call for Zork to come back in he will.
Krusten hangs back with Faerydae. She checks to see if its worth trying to break the chains with her weapon but before she does she explains it. If not she asks them if it is OK if one of the harmless males in the party can try.
Krusten asks Avan to come in and see if he can pick the locks. She tells the girls she will be right there at their side. She asks them, "Do you know George at the village?" Krusten checks if that piece of metal she found can open the locks.
Zork waits in his current position until the girls are seen to and removed from the chains. He remains alert with weapon in hand.
"I... I don't know the first thing about locks," Avan admits. "They work very differently to traps."
"They will live, but we have to keep them here for a while. It's for their own safety so they don't wander off and also gives us the time to find a key. If it helps, I can tell Mr Fluffles to stand guard here."
Out of Character: : Dungeon Master, I posted this already....this is what I am doing.
"The Chosen One says...
In Character: : Arthos entered the room waving the torch around as he searched the area. It seemed empty but many shelves were there, perhaps he would find something there although doubtful due to either the group already being here, or something much larger was the cause for the pile of Goblin corpses.
Arthos Romaria Results:
Search on D20 (+2): 4 (1 roll)"
Zork checks to see why they are taking so long and suggests that the chains cab broken from the wall rather than from the girls. In this way they can at least be free but not free of the chains. If that can work without harming the girls he will try.