In Character: : Unmounting Artrax, Arthos nears the door to his left. He leans in and listens to the other end to see if their is the sound of anything on the other side. Once he gathers his bearings he tries to look through the lock hole (Assuming their is one) to see if he see's anything or some sort of faint light.
Krusten shows Zork the door Avan and her found. She goes behind Zork with her bow ready as usual.
Out of Character: Txtrpg and Krusten there were 3 doors at the end of the corridor.
In Character: Avan checks each door for traps (In clockwise order starting from north) and listens for any activity as he does so.
In character Arkanoth immediately signals Faerydae to back away from the door and yells in Goblin "You humans need to keep quiet!" In an attempt to fool the goblins into thinking that there is another goblin in the room with the girls.
If everything fails he will attack the first goblin that enters the room.
Out of Character Let's see if we can avoid fighting as best as we can
Once the door was checked I already put actions for Zork:
Avan recoils from the smell he expects to waft over soon, but then comes up with an idea.
"If we count all the sleeping rolls in this room and the other two unopened rooms, we should be able to guess what force the goblins have. Then we subtract the ones we've killed. I can't remember exactly buy I think 5 in the entrance, 3 in the first corridor battle, and 6 in the battle when we were flanked. So 14 dead total is it?"
Avan counts the furs in here and confidently goes to open another room (Either).