You know I am with you Pundit. I tend to trust in men of the cloth and of course a bowlful of deer meat.
ooc: I am for going south. If there are orcs that are supposed to come and collect that money the hooded guy was bringing. It will be interesting to see how we can spin that. Maybe follow them back to the main camp or interrogate them. Who knows, that seems like a decent place to go. Though it stinks we are leaving the North farms to fend for themselves. I suppose it was never officially our responsibility.
Oliron hops onto the back of his cart and begins to don on his armor. He lets Jonas coast south down the road and grabs some mutch needed sleep.
OOC: My word, you're really going to leave those north farmers to die? Before you bail, can Beast tell Ryorst about it so I can go try to save them? I stand an arse's chance by myself, but... Well, if you guys are going to go back to the old farm for some GOLD, then I guess I have no choice... Unless you won't have Beast tell Ryorst of it.
ooc: I hate to be all ooc and gum up the works or whatever but, I am assuming at this point Beast has already told us about what the large orc has said. Otherwise I would have had little to no motivation to mess with the hooded figure. If he has told me and the party I would quess by now I have said something about it in response to us heading south. Though I stand by my decision to go south. We are not the protectors of the entire word, we can only do so mutch. If the farmers to the north are unable to defend themselves, well, that is kind of their fault. Oliron would rather go north but if the party is heading south he will follow the party. At times I will choose something the party does not fully agree on, other times they may choose something I don't agree with. All in all it is better to have a party following one path. Otherwise you may just end up being orc fodder, serving no one any good. Just my thought on the matter, do what you decide. However I wonder how having three separate groups will play out with the rest of the party. Many already want just one party and now a possibility of a third. . .
Edited: Oliron on 26th Mar, 2010 - 12:57am
OOC: Well, we have a party of seven I think. Namdar, if I read correctly, wants to stay with Lionel, I voted for Lionel's path, and some north travel, Krusten has yet to post her decision, You say North, and that leaves the other two saying south... Oh, and Lionel has his own path, so I guess that actually makes a party of 9, since I also forgot the new guy. I also don't know why you're going south anyways. MAYBE 3000 gold, or the bounty for 25 orcs, and probably a bonus for taking out a leader, and maybe a reward for saving those people. There seems to be NO reason to go south, other than... Why do you want to go south? Adviser disappeared, so we don't know WHERE he is, there are almost no orcs south until you pass the farm, the treetrunk will probably NOT have the gold in it, and there has been nothing indicating anything going on south of us. Meanwhile, we could stay here, and work on gathering info from the castle, or go north and take on some orcs, gain some rewards, save some NPCs, and advance the plot. South seems... The only bad choice. Why are you taking it?