* Krusten answers the farmer in a sarcastic way *
Yes the Duke wanted to know how a farmer could be so well protected when there are orcs burning up everyone else farm in the area.
* She looks at him in a coy way looking to see if he gets nervous or fesses up. *
SA: As I said above.
ooc: Can a roll against wisdom tell you if there may be something here we are missing?
Oliron * Wonders when the next wagon north is due to arrive. *
SA: Ask when the next wagon will be arriving heading North.
ooc: Lets not spend to mutch time asking the farmer all sorts of questions. Lets try and get this over with in one party leader post if we can. I think we can all agree moving on to some sort of battle would be a welcome change of pace.
ooc: I'm all for that but do put what I say and if he reacts nervous then we can get something out of him. If not then we just go north and hunt some orcs.
Pundit looks on waiting to see what the farmer says and how he says it.
SA: If there is nothing to be gained with the farmer we can head north as we were before getting trapped into the boring Duke visit.
Namdar greets Larry amiably, guardedly but with no resentment, trying to get a read on the man, which is proving to be surprisingly difficult, to tell if and how he is tied in to the strangeness that is going on with the Duke and the evil lightning bolt casting advisor and the orcs.
OOC: I believe we've already been over this WITH Larry, as he's the Duke's brother - we asked him and he said he hadn't had any trouble, so didn't know what to say, and I rather doubt the Duke would send us back to ask his brother something they both already know - this would likely make him suspicious if he has anything to do with anything unusual with all this.
So is there anything else we want to know, or you want to definitely say this, Krusten, etc? I just need to get definite FINAL ANSWERS from everybody (Pundit, etc) for when I post in the PL thread. We do want to find out about wagons to the north though, I got that.
ooc: JPatt I have been thinking, you and possibly Krusten might move ahead of the party. This way we have a better chance of detecting threats without being detected. Possibly even set up a signal like Krusten or yourself shooting an arrow near us (with a ribbon on it maybe), when you see a threat.
Oliron curses mumbling to himself " . . . We should have gone north." Has a few more foul words with his boots while preparing his donkeys for the road ahead.
ooc: After rereading my post I want to be a bit more clear. I was suggesting the formation thing for when we are trying to move ahead undetected. That way we won't loose a ton of time all walking off the road. Also I did not know one way or the other if we should go north or south. South sounded just as good to me at the time. Lastly I did a bit of quick math and if I am correct the cart I have can hold one passenger. I was thinking we could take turns riding in it so that we can travel farther in a day before needing rest.