ooc: 160 gp I think, it depends on the GM. I think it is around that price though for 2 light horses (with saddle) if I remember correctly. We should be asking KNtoran, there might not be any mounts for sale for all we know.
Who is going inside>?
Edited: Oliron on 19th Apr, 2010 - 3:56am
Let's continue without the horsses for now because I would want to get myself a good war horse.
Oliron or Namdar can go let the others know we are ready to go north or maybe a message can be give to the soldiers at the gate and they can inform them for us.
SA: Go on to the north after word has been sent to the Duke lovers.
ooc: We don't need mounts but even donkeys would be better than walking. Shouldn't we at least check?
ooc: I am like totally fine with trying to get some 'wheels' now but saving to get like way better horses later is also an idea. What about buying a wagon and putting a couple of horses on it?
Namdar makes sure everyone else is out and up and settled and ready, then turns to them.
"I will go see how things fare for Lionel and the rest of the group, and if it is possible for us all to get back together again, perhaps we can all venture northward together again. If not, I shall return and we continue on. So everyone else decide what you want to do, but I'm going to go talk to Lionel and such and will be back, so make whatever other preparations you think we need."
OOC: Give me any other actions we're doing here and we'll get it all set.
ooc: There has been talk about getting some mounts or a wagon, at least attempting to depending on what is available in the fort. We have not yet decided what kind of mounts we would get thought it seems along the lines of donkeys is the best course. I quess I am trying to assume that the party wants to find out if donkeys are available to purchase within the fort. If so how much are they. I think we would need to buy 3. After looking at the stats we should be looking for Mules not Donkeys.
I think I should say I was joking about letting Jonas go in the wild to raise a her donkey family.
SA: Camped outside the fort, hands 25gp to Namdar towards mules / mounts.
Edited: Oliron on 20th Apr, 2010 - 4:47am
I think stopping now to get horses and gear will delay us even more. Let's just continue north and save what we have.
SA: Continue north in search of orc patrols.
Rolls: I don't think any are needed at this point.
* Krusten scoffs at the prices and thinks to herself about the greediness of the sellers as typical of humans. *
SA - Let's forget that and go north. When Lionel gets what he wants he can catch up later I'm not waiting for him.