ooc: The answer is obvious now withe everything being doubled so we like keep going north.
Namdar agrees and bids farewell to Lionel, breathing a thankful sigh of relief for safety of the Duke's - at least he doesn't have to worry about that, at least not as much as he did.
"Well, I guess that's it then, Lionel is hard at work investigating the inner workings, so I suppose we go on and see what trouble we can find, which could likely be plenty. The prices here make my teeth itch, perhaps another place, anywhere else, would be better to resupply."
Beast is glad that's over with now he can get back to some serious combat and deer jerky while walking north. Beast wonders if he will get to hold the dress of Krusten again when its night. He doesn't hold his breath over it.
Aive almost pops up out of no where with his cheeky and curious smile. Heaving his backpack up and shuffling around all his junk he approaches Namdar, as he finishes his last words. Aive then interrupts.
"Greetings good sir" he says giving a soft nod, "Forgive me but if I herd correctly you are venturing north for cheaper supplies and looking for trouble along the way!?"
The question was rhetorical because he knew what he had herd.
"Well then since we are heading the same way we should travel together, I have little to offer but the vow if its trouble you seek, trouble has a way of finding me!"
He then extends an open hand, "Aive be thy name"
His voice was upbeat and optimistic, stretching his charm for he was tired of travelling alone. Aive hadn't the hard worn face or muscular figure of an adventurer, and was rarely considered a threat, altho he was also rarely considered an asset aswell.
The half-orc looked warily at the fellow shadowy figure, appraisingly, and finally shook his hand.
"'Tis a steep market here, Aive," says Namdar, introducing himself, as the group prepares to get on the road. "North we head, where possible danger and fell orcs await, but innocents wait for help, and we aim to make it not in vain, and coin may be had, in the balance. Join in if you are serious, and walk with us."
OOC: Again, I can't post for about 17 more hours, so if someone else wants to move us ahead, they're going to need to post in the Party Leader thread - whatever you think needs posted.
Edited: JPatt on 21st Apr, 2010 - 6:15am
ooc: I second above. We've already spent days wondering about equipment and like wondering about Lionel. Both of those weren't necessary since last time we left here.