Not sure how tight the squeeze is but will try an escape artist to get in,
20 with mods
If I have too I will use my crowbar to make a bigger oppening
13 on strength
Then will sneak around the house searching for the children.
Some no mod rolls
3 12 19 20 15 4
ooc: Krusten like doesn't need to roll so I think the party leader thread could be updated already.
Namdar will sneak past the orcs to free the injured farmer and his wife, motioning them to be quiet, and get them into the house as quietly as possible, and then slam and bar the door, hoping that will surprise the bowman to prevent them from their next attack on the party, and the caltrops will delay pursuit and assault against the house, while hopefully Aive is able to get inside or help the family to get outside.
Namdar will check the immediate room for danger and if none is present, have the farmer and his wife, and Aive if they are able to communicate, get one of the back windows free of obstructions so it can be exited, while Namdar searches the house for the children, and tries to get them out of the house as well, the back way, with Aive's and the farmer and wife's help if possible.
OOC: Good work everyone, it is looking good!
Beast is feeling real good about what he is accomplishing.
ooc: I already rolled. If you guys like roll in advanced we could of gone through round 3 like all at once.
* Never before has Krusten enjoyed her time as much as now. Two orcs down and by her own abilities. She looks for more anxious to take away their breath *
SA: Krusten continues shooting arrows but glances around to make sure no one is trying to ambush her.
Rolls: (I added modifiers)
20: 4, 6, 8, 15
6: 4, 6, 4, 4
ooc: I knew the success couldn't last for long.
ooc: That's cool just saying if we make several rolls then we won't have to like stop and wait each round.