Out of Character: Despite the new system we don't seem to be moving any faster. Our Dungeon Master has his own speed on this. Anyway, I guess we simply go the other way and check it out.
In Character: "This place is a maze that makes no sense."
"The goblins can probably make sense of it," Avan replies. "We could try to capture one or two and I'll ask - no - demand directions."
"I think you're right about the secret passage. It must lead outside but would only be opened from there. We can use it if the goblins reinforce the entrance tunnel."
"Should loop back around north then east then south then west and explore that T intersection?"
Out of Character: I put in an action that will hopefully counter those kind of updates where there is nothing to really say to it other than we turn around or we check the other door, etc.
In Character: "You really want to have a goblin tell the truth? Look at how they other one behaved." He looks across at Faerydae. "I'm sure she hasn't forgotten."
In Character: Faerydae is kind of taken aback when Zork looks her way when mentioning the goblin. She does not know if that is a good or bad thing or a hint at something but she does not comment about it as her experience in the matter was too traumatic to verbalize.
Out of Character: Dungeon Master just put up a map but I can't read any of the letters. I thought I kind of described where we want to go already. An anyone read that? I'm thinking the space in the middle where the box is... That's probably a big room. I just posted so someone who wants to search the door for traps or listen can put the action for all of us.
Out of Character: The space in the middle of the box was a T intersection so I bet it's actually 2 rooms. I think that's an 'e' just judging how the c and d are arranged at the top. That's where Avan wanted to check. Saying middle of the box is clear enough to me.
Out of Character: I think if he uses the maps button his hand done maps can be bigger than the smaller version in posts. Anyhow I agree we should check out that center box / middle box.
Avan closely looks over the north door to make sure it's safe to open. "Let's move quickly! I think they're in here!"
If they open up to reveal prisoners, Avan's first act is to rush over and cast Cure Minor Wounds, despite any enemies.