ooc: Start on page 28 and go to Namdar Al Sattar's post, that's about where it starts, there was some question on whether or not Pundit can cast cure spells or not and then what it was that Lionel should do, oh and Lionel now has a bow too. Apart from that nothing big has happened. We are planning on setting out to track orcs.
Namdar covertly rolls his eyes at Pundit but inclines his hooded head slightly to Lionel. "Humble apologies, sorcerer - being one not much in the practice of magick, I only know certain things and tend to lump all who use magic together, save for clerics." Namdar turns and walks a little ways toward the fence out of earshot, quietly mumbling, "Pfff, wizards." and shrugs.
Beast looks on at everyone talking. He's not going to say much to make himself sound more stupid than he already is and after that last battle he wonders what is his usefulness.
* Krusten looking over the events gives a slight chuckle, but not enough for anyone to notice *
"So preacher, you need to heal yourself?"
Not in character: Well did you even read Kntoran's update of the game? That's how we're supposed to know what we're doing.
ooc: Sorry, didn't know it had been updated yet.
As the forward point group pulls up short, Namdar lowers his hood and looks around at the woods, then up at the slightly darkening sky, and down the trail which disappears in the distance. "It would seem we have a decision ahead of us, everyone:
Farm: We can head back now and reach the farm before or at nightfall, and camp there,
Onward: or travel a bit more and take our chances camping out here, with some precautions being taken, so we may stay on track here and continue following the tracks or trail as early as possible, without having to retrace our steps here yet a second time."
The Sumite-born half-orc glances at each of his companions before continuing.
"I myself feel, while the farm does offer perhaps extra safety, it falls further and further behind us, and it cannot be used as a crutch as we proceed farther - we cannot track miles and miles back as we progress, and we need to be realistic that we need a new defensible fallback and camp position. I believe we should venture a bit further tonight, all the while also watching for activity as well as a suitable spot to bed down, and return to the trail as the minimal light in the early hours still help conceal our movement. Either way, myself and the Rangers and anyone else, can come up with and implement good ideas for defense, such as traps, and detection of intruders at our camp, so when you make your vote for Farm or Onward, please also throw in any other ideas you have."
The party leader returns to scanning the trail and nearby and deeper woods for possible campsites.
Edited: jpatt on 18th Dec, 2009 - 8:00pm