In Character: Without even looking back Faerydae goes straight to the girls and tries to show compassion and understanding for what they have gone through. She looks to untie them and help heal their broken spirits.
Out of Character: I mentioned Avan. Who can pick the lock? If not we will need to break the chains. We also need to decide if we are going to take these girls deeper into this place or just have them run back home.
Out of Character: Avan has Disable Device, but not Open Lock unfortunately. If someone says they can open locks, he will offer his set of thieves' tools.
Out of Character: Krusten is asking permission before you freak the girls out. One thing, are any of these girls part of the children we're supposed to be looking for?
Out of Character: I'm glad I checked here first so I made that question part of Faerydae's action.
In Character: Faerydae continues to calm the girls, "I know you have been through a lot, I can see that, but do not worry... We bring with us only healing and love. You are safe now and no one will hurt you again."
Out of character Well, assuming we get them out of the chains without recreating a scene from one of the Saw movies, we can't exactly take them with us. But I also don't think we should cut them loose and hope they find their way home.
Edited: Ditto on 2nd Nov, 2015 - 3:10pm
Out of Character: We could camp out and have a couple of us escort them back to the village. Hint: if someone had a horse it would be even faster!