In Character: "A horse?" Avan says, surprised. "Possibly a meal for the goblins. I can only hope they eat it instead of the children."
Out of Character: Like I said in the leader thread, if you look at the updated map, there are 3 doors. Hopefully it doesn't take too long to explore.
Out of Character: Yes I see that now. I put that we will check the on ahead first then left and right. We can't waste too much time on this the others are already being attacked.
Out of Character Yea, some help would be nice. But if Arkanoth can bottle nose the Goblins in the doorway we should be able to hold them off for a little bit
Out of Character: Will like to but in reality we won't know that goblins are by your door so quickly. I'm sure you can blow hard on your dice rolls and make it good.
Out of Character: Did the Dungeon Master forget us or something? Faerydae is still waiting to strike a goblin but need to know if Arkanoth's bluff works.
Out of Character: We need to get these three rooms searched fast.
In Character: "Let's see if any little green men are hiding in those furs." Krusten looks for 'humps' and sends some arrows in those directions.
"Just pocket change and no key," Avan sighs. "Now we know there will be about 10 goblins left in this cave, assuming they have no other sleeping quarters."
"Zork, you say you heard a horse? We should keep looking for it then," Avan suggests, oblivious to the danger to the south.
In Character: Faerydae hears the success of fooling the goblins and immediately commands the first goblin to attack the others as well as brings in her mace.