Banahll looks at each in turn, noticing the dicomfort felt by Oliron he says, " Take heart mighty warrior, how can you expect a few meager leaves on a bush to hide all those muscles. One such as yourself would need a redwood tree to not be noticed!"
Noticing the disgust which passed over Lionell's face I quickly pull my rob tighter, judging this is not the time. I then return his smile with one of my own. "The ones who face danger and perils untold will be the orcs at the hands of me if I ever manage to track them down."
To Pundit, " So I take it you must be the cleric, save your words holy man. I have nothing against you or your god, I serve only myself and the one who has provided for me my entire life. Obid-Hai. Nature, in all its forms, has provided me with friends when I was lonely, a safe place when I was afraid, and a home when I was cast out. I'm sure your god is powerful, but I could never turn my back on one who has proven so loyal to me.
To beast, looking him up and down, "HA HA HA, short and to the point, I think I'm going to like you. Well my new friend, my story is long and perhaps better told by the light of a fire, but I will attempt to explain my presence to you quickly to put aside any suspicions. I travel alone for the same reason your royal party member over there* nods head to Lionell* got green in the face once he saw beneath my robes.
My lack of social graces is surpassed only by my lack of encounters with the female kind * Chuckles at his own joke*."
As to why I'm here, I heard orc where in the area, and they have a bad habit of slash burning everything in their path. After traveling for some time to arrive here I came across what used to be a beautiful glade full of birds singing and wonderful moss covered trees."
*Beast sees a utter hatred in Banahll's eyes as he utters the next few words* "they burned it all, everything, what they couldn't eat they broke, what they couldn't break they soiled. It was the most beautiful place I could think of, possibly the most beautiful place in all of the world, and they turned it into a filthy latrine!"
*Regains Composure* "I apologize, got carried away there."
Turning to Namdar, " Keen senses you say, HAHAHA, keen senses indeed." he continues, " true I did hear you, and your giant over there, *nodding towards Oliron* yet with my keen senses I failed to miss this huge Beast, *patting Beast on the back* as he stood a hairs breadth away right behind me. And for the life of me I have no idea how I managed to miss the donkey, then there is the rest of rather large troop!" * Banahll sighs, * No, unfortunately again my elven half betrays me. Need a secret door found, no problem, want to see in the dark, I can help you, but spotting and tracking. I can barely find my donkey with two hands and a road map, hell I couldn't even find that donkey * points at the donkey* and his smell would knock a buzzard off of a gut wagon!"
I Take Namdar's hand, " perhaps your right, if your hunting orcs as you say then I could use your help finding them, as to how I was going to handle a large party when I did find them. Well, I have been working on a plan for that as I have been traveling and once we have some time I will explain in more detail."
*Just now hearing what Lionell said about Kursten, Whips his head around*, " Did you just say there is an ELF in this party!" * Saying elf like it's a swear word*
" IT is elves who drove me away from my home, its is elves who accused my of having an orc for a mother, it is ELVES who shunned me and tormented me my whole life, I curse my half elven blood." * spits on the ground*
* Again apologizes for his lack of composure*
"I will travel with you regardless of this elf, I can put the animosity I fell towards my half brothers behind me for now, if only to destroy the ones who ruined my beautiful glade. But keep a leash on that elf, else she and I may have to find out who has studied harder when practicing the arcane."
"Lead the way Namdar, we must find a defensible position by night fall, these are not the woods I remember from my youth." Edited: BadByrd on 23rd Dec, 2009 - 10:19pm
"You are unique indeed if you are both a lover of Nature's wonders and beauty, and a wizard too", Lionel tells Banahll, "My sister loved nature, she could even speak with her animal friends and nature as well. A day didn't go by that she didn't bring a new hurt friend home for the Royal Priest to heal, sadly that was a long time ago." Lionel says with a sigh, Lionel had seen how Banahll speaks of his love of nature and his hatred of any how hurt it. Lionel sees Banahll hide his face a bit more, and hopes that his reaction doesn't hinder their potential friendship.
Lionel says one last thing, "Be careful to not let you hatred control how you judge others, my friend, the actions of many does not mean you should treat all with the same pain", Lionel advices, "If you let your pain control you, you will never know happiness, I know this, because everything I have ever loved has been taken from me, one should try to see good in others."
*Sigh* Perhaps, your right Lionell. Time will tell.
"I would have liked to have met your sister, she sounds lovely beautifull both inside and out."
"After we make camp I will pass along my story. The hear each of yours in turn."
He continues to Lionell, " Judging all by the actions of one is unwise, that's true, but judging one by the actions of all often provides an accurate veiw. Time will tell whether this elf of yours is different from the others."
"Actually, I learned my respect for nature from my sister, Mari, and I continue to be respectful in her memory, I am looking for her now, and I would be willing to go to the lowest level of the Abyssal to find her." Lionel says with conviction.
"She's all the family I have left, to see her warm bright smile, sigh"¦ I"d do anything. One thing you"d love about her is she only ever looks at the heart, she was willing to show kindness and love equally to everyone she meet, no matter what they look like, or what they are", Lionel gives Banahll a sad smile.
ooc: For those of you who don't know Mari means "sea of bitterness", and for what she has gone through herself without any family to help, I feel the name is most meaningful. Edited: Thomaslee on 23rd Dec, 2009 - 11:52pm
Listening to the conversation of the two going on about their past is too confusing for Beast. He like starts listening to the birds, the wind through the trees and for any orcs that might want to ambush him.
Oliron chuckles at Banahll's comment. "Yes, this is my curse."
ooc: I rolled a 1d20 for finding clovers, = 18. Rolled percentile of there being clovers there, = 73 (I know I do not have foraging skill but, I think I could find some common clovers with these roles?)
Oliron feeds Jonas some huge green clovers. Looking to Namdar he nods. Then follows about 15' ahead of the newcomer. Eaves dropping on Banahll's conversations. Looking ahead, scouting the trees for signs of orc.
Questions flood Oliron's mind, of Banahll and his possible past, as well as Lionel's. He ponders his race and devotion compared to the others of the party. He thinks of the similarities and the differences of the group.
Realizing Namdar has shown no real pull towards any major goal, he walks a bit brisker, catching up to the front of the party. He walks along side Namdar for a moment trying to feel his mood.
"Namdar, I was wondering, what drives you?" Oliron glances from him to the scenery and back. "You show an embodiment of leadership this is true but, I have never heard your desires beyond the task at hand, what are you after?"
Without turning his head, Namdar briefly glances toward the warrior, Oliron, then returns his gaze to the trail ahead, frowning contemplatively on the question, feeling he would like to share some of his history, but unsure as to just how comfortable he was revealing much to these people - however, he reasoned, they had no knowledge or connection of his homeland or anyone in it, so anything he told them would be completely useless to them, so he felt it was safe enough to reveal most of his background.
"I am of middle-age now, and arrived here in your more genteel lands about ten years ago, having left partly of my own accord and desire for exploration, and partly from necessity as I, admit, fled from Asmara, though without any real family, and my mentor of the wilds dead, it was not much of a loss.
Ali ibn Da`ud, the Emir of Mu'hajaran, one of the largest areas of the Sumi Kingdom, and his Sultans, Sheiks and Khans, as well as his allied Caliphates, were on the brink of a senseless and petty war with neighboring lands, a war which would promise the needless deaths of thousands, and indeed it did, with little of use having been decided. But at the time, I had fallen in with some rough people and what self-taught abilities I had, to live by my cunning, were soon enhanced by my being admitted into and instructed by an inner circle of surprisingly refined members of what I thought was a simple underground ring of thieves, boasting some even nobles, but which I eventually learned was an academy of sorts, for assassins, many of whom were being hired and even drafted into the war, sent after enemy officials and leaders.
I had no interest in that sort of thing and declined, but learned the word "no" doesn't exist for assassins and military commanders, especially if you've been made privy to secrets, so I retreated to the surrounding wilds and dunes, but continued being hounded by members sent against me, either for capture or to silence me permanently. Keeping my orc lineage and face hidden as I do now, I traveled with a trade caravan of mostly human northmen back into this area of the world, learning some important tips on interaction with people, as well as mannerisms and other things to help disguise my nature, and adding yet more to the improvisational acting I had already learned well from being an orphan and urchin back home, and have mostly survived on my wits and performance abilities.
Honestly, I have no particular goal here really, and I might even depart for another land, though I become less and less inclined to travel as I once did, with each passing year, and I can see myself in a simple cabin in the deep woods, living off the land..." The half-orc's face becomes blank as he obviously drifts off in his head for a moment, before returning to the here and now. "At the moment, helping some of the people here, ensuring safety for myself and the rest of us, and making money to have some of the finer things and opportunities in life, and enjoying a mostly relaxing and very beautiful spot of nature, all serve as my driving incentive for now. I also know of a number of objectives and life's ambitions for the rest of you, and if possible, I'll do what I can to aid in those as well."
Finished, Namdar falls abruptly silent and continues forward, no longer even acknowledging Oliron's presence.
"Perhaps someday you will have a cabin near a castle." Oliron says grinning, hinting at a future possibility. Looking strait down the path.
Jonas "hee haws", "You have my sword Namdar." Oliron says simply, dropping back into line. His bow at the ready, eyes scanning the tree line.