Out of Character: I'm good to go, just waiting for the Dungeon Master to make the final on my character sheet and that should be it. Already have the horse and potions.
Out of Character: Will definitely get a bow. I should have done it before but was playing a different focus. I have good dexterity so I should be able to help the party this time.
Out of Character: So is it just three of us in the tavern? Avan, Krusten and Zork? Faerydae and Albrecht still need to present themselves and we need to get a final decision in. We all have horses and potions now?
I'm happy to follow the road further to find out more. Perhaps we will find ourselves in the neighbouring country?
Will we leave the wagon behind this time - or sell it?
Out of Character:I believe the three in the tavern are Faerydae, Krusten, and Zork, as Avan and Albrecht were out buying scrolls and potions. But whichever way, we should all be joined up now.
I am happy to follow the open road and explore new lands. That is after all Albrecht's goal. And while he doesn't have a horse, he has a war-trained riding dog with barding, so he should be able to keep up fine.
Edited: Alchyrogue on 21st Sep, 2016 - 11:17am
Well a riding dog has 40 ft movement, whereas a warhorse has 50 feet movement, which means the dog can travel 32 miles a day and the horse can travel 48 or 40 (Are they light warhorses or heavy warhorse?). There is a relatively large discrepancy, but the Dungeon Master didn't really notice last time and had Albrecht keep up with Zork even though there is this difference. I think on a tactical scale it might matter, but for just day to day marching, it should be fine.
Also whether Albrecht has a horse or not, Champ is coming so we would be limited by his speed no matter how we proceed.
Out of Character: I have a war horse and I think the others are buying the same. Our travel will be slowed a bit but if you are using your dog that way then I suggest that you should take him out of combat otherwise your ride will be gone then you will have to share a horse with one of the characters maybe Krusten. *laugh*.