Out of Character: welp,assuming it is just two and we don't abort looks like you kill the first gobbo, and I goop the second. But after that my attempts to knock him out via construct fail miserably. Hope he surrenders or you snag him before I waste all the PP.
Out of Character: : I hope he just surrenders now after the death of his fellow goblin but probably not. I will try to knock him out and take him prisoner. At least the one should be out of the way. Finally rolled well for moving silently!
Out of Character: : Lukas, I hope you do well with your psionics. From the looks of things Aliani would have been better off throwing rocks. Those rolls. :(It seems like with her I either get rolls that are really high or really low. Nothing in the middle.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 30th Oct, 2016 - 8:16pm
Out of Character: : rolled a 23 on initiative, and unless goblins have a much higher touch AC than I think, it looks like his first strike will hit for 11 damage. We should be good. Well, at least until the hobgoblin band we avoided last night pops up out of the bushes looking for their scouts .
Edited: daishain on 30th Oct, 2016 - 8:25pm
Out of Character: TxtRPG, I think the warwagon would be good on this trip, as we should be on open road. We may not be as quick or 'sneaky' with it, but since we have more party members, we can take shifts staying with the wagon/scouting ahead, if need be.