Out of Character: Does anyone have a truth spell or skill of some sort? What is your plan with this goblin? Maybe if we can get to that we can move on.
Out of Character: Determine if it has info on the hobgoblins or anything else of interest. Obtain said info. Release or dispose of goblin.
That's pretty much the extent of the plan. Faerydae should have access to the Zone of Truth spell, but I'd be surprised if she prepped it this morning. Hopefully her sense motive skill is decent, as I think that would have been our only truth detecting ability.
Out of Character: Is it just me or are we lagging on this goblin too much? I think those that found him need to be upfront with what they want from this so the Dungeon Master can move the story forward. Also available skills and feats 3.5: Dungeons & Dragons Skills and Dungeons & Dragons Feats in case anyone needs it.
Out of Character: We've been about as up front as we can both in and out of character. Heck one of our characters is mad at the other for not holding back. If it helps, it looks like this mess is wrapping up. Dungeon Master is likely to confirm Faerydae can't discern any lies, (Whether because it is telling the truth or because she rolled too low to tell.) At that point Lukas will be disgusted at the time wasted, and inclined to just let the goblin go and move on. Though he wouldn't stick his neck out to save it beyond giving it a clean death.
Edited: daishain on 5th Nov, 2016 - 12:52pm
Out of Character: Anyone of us can sense motive even if at a negative or '0", not so? I think taking him prisoner will be useful for later even if as bait.
Aliana smiles coldly with her golden eyes glittering. " It doesn't matter to me. I just think we are making the world a better place by killing him. Let him go in combat? So he can join with enemies to add to their strength? I believe in taking all the advantages I can, not help the enemy. You can do as you wish. He is of no use to my partner and I. I will have nothing to do with that animal. "
In Character: Zork in the most odd way decides this is a good point for an introduction. He says, "By the way, I am Zork… a killer of goblins."
Out of Character: What are our next actions then, are we heading east? Do you all have horses, healing potions, etc?