Out of Character: Krusten would kill him right there but a prisoner could be useful. The bait idea is good, we may need that depending on where we are going. Just need to gag him and decide who is going to be watching him.
In Character: "If you want him, you can have him. Do as you… Wait, you said 'when' you encounter his kind, are you going after the other goblinoids?"
Out of Character: Lukas and Aliana would head to the guard first with the info they have, but that shouldn't take long. As for the rest our budget is quite low. No mounts or potions for either of us at present. I had been hoping to purchase a light horse with the proceeds of this scouting run added to what I have, but it looks like I'll be coming up just short of that goal.
I can instead pick up a Mule and the tack for it, and as a bonus have just enough left over for a single CLW pot. Not ideal, but better than nothing. (Why are mules so cheap anyways? Your average horse is not that much more valuable, less so in some ways).
Edited: daishain on 5th Nov, 2016 - 2:51pm
In Character: "His kind… as the enemy, whomever that may be."
Out of Character: Alright so we get what we need and then start a journey to these hobgoblins?
"If by that you mean those plaguing the Eastern roads, do you have room for one or two more? I had thought to form a group for that purpose myself, but only found Aliana. As capable as she is in her own right, the pair of us alone cannot manage the task."
Aliana hears Zork's introduction. " I am Aliana. My compatriot here is called Lukas. We are in the gold business. Earning it however we can. " She laughs. Hearing Lukas ask about joining the group she nods. " We did okay with the two of us. A bigger group would be much better if you have room for us. We will pull our own weight. We have skills that will be useful to your group. "
Out of Character: Usually you take up those issues in his character creation thread. You should mention it there and just link to your rolls here as he might not see it.