Out of Character: Well that leaves us without info unless there are others hiding but the recent update does not carry us forward any.
Out of Character: Kyr, the battlesite and the bodies on it are a significant distance away from the barricade. I don't think either smell or scavengers are going to be an issue. With the bird's injury, Aliana would also have reason to think going off alone is dangerous.
Just a bit of perspective.
Out of Character: Are we camping here? Are we moving on? What is the consensus on this present situation? I suggest camping, everyone will get some healing, spells and the bird can be cured so we can at least have eyes from above.
Out of Character:Moving on risks another encounter, and even if HP levels were not an issue, those of us with expendable resources needed for such things are completely tapped out as it stands. I highly suggest staying put for the time being.
Edited: daishain on 17th Dec, 2016 - 3:07pm
Out of Character: I agree with staying put as well. We need to recharge and heal a little before any future encounters. Hopefully the little guy that got away won't bring trouble back for us.
Out of Character: : Staying put sounds good. The group is too battered and depleted for another encounter like the prior one. We should have the normal watch set up and we will be fine. Hopefully. I knew that goblin would cause us grief. .