Out of Character: Nice to see this sudden activity with replies. So what are we doing… trying to draw them out or go in there? If we decide that first then a plan can be built around it.
I vote to draw them out. Our best melee fighter only has a dagger now and was wiped out in one turn by them. Numbers are key but you need effective numbers. Lukas, Faerydae, Krusten or Aliana don't really contribute anything in melee. I don't know if Zork with a dagger, two Druids, a bear and a wolf would be able to survive long going toe to toe with two minotaurs.
Out of Character: I am also for drawing them out, that is what I was trying to do but my rolls were terrible and their were probably pretty good. How we are going to do that I don't know… maybe a trap?
Out of Character: One of the reasons I pull my character back was to avoid conflict with those Minotaurs. If Faerydae was stronger maybe she could cast something but as she is now she will just be killed in the first round. My only suggestion is go in just enough to see and then take some shots then pull back allowing the others to also attack.
Out of Character: : If we could somehow draw them out, it would be ideal, as the melee fighters (Druids, maybe aliana, a wolf, and whatever Avan summons (Not to mention Champ and Fluffles)) could distract them long enough for the ranged fighters to pepper them and together we could beat 'em. But actually getting them to come out is going to be very difficult.
Out of Character: The problem of summoning a Vermintide is that's the only thing that will be able to attack. The swarm can turn against allies (Even myself maybe?). The advantage is they won't be able to deal with it using their weapons. They would have to attack me to break my focus.
A Summon Nature's Ally 1 would work as a good distraction for the first round and lets us get into a defensive position to support me, perhaps? If we want to risk getting a little bit of the swarm on our front-liners.
In Character: "Hey Aliana," Avan says. "Stop here. I think I can see part of a wagon. Lucas!" Avan points to the opposite riverbank.
Edited: iCon on 25th Jan, 2017 - 12:35pm