Out of Character: Alchyrogue, Krusten, Kyrroeth, and anyone I missed,
Thanks to all of you for the help over the last few days. I look forward to the adventure. I also look forward to any help you can provide in the future. I'm not so proud that I think I know it all nor to accept help offered.
Edited: Abnninja on 26th Jan, 2017 - 10:31pm
Out of Character: Abnninja, nice to see you made it this far. I guided you here because I saw you active in the topics so I knew you would likely be active in the game or at least you should be or your character might get nudged off a cliff by my character *wink*
To see everyone in the party click that button above called "GM Stats". Some of us are on different time zones so it takes awhile sometimes.
Out of Character: Welcome Abnninja. Your skills will be welcomed here. When Faerydae learns about your profession she will mostly try to preach to you about her own beliefs so look out for it *wink*.
Out of Character: The choice now is simple, do we stay where we are now or is it necessary to leave and give help. I sure wish Icon could post more frequent specially with this being his initiation at the moment.
Out of Character: Is baptism the word you were looking for? As one of the original party, I don't think I need to be initiated.
Also, that's rich, coming from the one whose character is on 0 HP.
Out of Character: I read that from before. In answer to your post in the leadership board:
In Character: "What the hell? This place is like a curse. I am sorry, I know that was your friend, but in what way should we pull back? Go where?"