Out of Character: Ok this is good. Hopefully we can get back to the town in a few days and get the equipment verified. I have not taken anything yet because I will like to know about all first.
Out of Character: I'm not pushing for no encounters. Just hoping for a case of "Two days later, Krusten's bird spots trouble ahead", followed by "The rest of your travel goes smoothly, and soon enough the town lies ahead." By all means, fit in a few more encounters if appropriate. Just hoping to skip travel time in which nothing happens.
Out of Character: Oh don't worry I agree with you. We have hinted that to the Dungeon Master many times but it hasn't worked out well because he does like his rolls.
Out of Character: looks like he was willing after all.
And nice, really wish Lukas had survived just one more round in that cave. He'd have been a lot stronger after that xp boost.
I should note that with his levelup, paired with the MW smith's tools he intends to buy in town, Bastion is now capable of crafting nearly any variety of masterwork arms and armor while taking 10 on the check. So if there is anything of the sort people want, and they didn't just get it for free, he'd be willing to craft it for his new companions if they cover material costs (1/3rd market price. Market price for MW work is 300 GP plus the default price.) Special materials like mithril and adamantine are likewise doable, but tend to add quite a bit to the cost and time needed to craft.
Edited: daishain on 9th Mar, 2017 - 3:58am
In Character: "Good, we made it back. Now its time for proper rest and food… maybe some entertainment. I need at least a couple of months break to gather my thoughts."
Out of Character: I'm glad we got back safely. I will be taking a break here. I will retain my character and things. You may use my war wagon if you like and if you promise not to break it. Good luck with the next adventure.
Out of Character: I enjoyed the roleplaying everyone. I too must digress here. I've written Faerydae's parting words. Thanks for a good one.
Out of Character: Everyone is going back to work and I'm just dodging my responsibilities. I feel like I should pause too, but I'm starting to quite like Avan.