Albrecht leaves the city for a day to allow Champ to go live the peaceful life he deserves and acquire a more hearty fighting companion. Upon returning to the city Albrecht has Krama stay outside the city and returns to the inn to catch up with the others. He was sitting around the table when Illdrahil asked about his loan. He joins Bastion in saying "Don't worry too much about her, she is a hard one to get on the good side of, but nothing a little killing can't cure." He smiles as he thinks of the brusque but deadly fighter. "Between Bastion and I, we can loan you the money if need be." At this point he turns to Bastion and continues "I think we should also discuss buying some wands of Cure Light Wounds. I can front the money if need be or you and I can split them. I don't know much about golems, can you benefit from such healing?" Albrecht doesn't recognize exactly what the man is, but tries to use the word closest to what he thinks. He doesn't mean any disrespect by it and genuinely seems concerned about how best to help the new party member.
Out of Character: I think we have already discussed this, but I just want to make sure that Bastion can use cure spells. I have about 2400 GP left after buying a belt of Healing (Which will help supplement our healing as well) and a Periapt of Wisdom. I can easily foot the bill for 1 or 2 CLW wands if need be. Is there any other 'group' equipment we could use/need?
Out of Character: Yes, definitely sell the Wand of Wonder. Did you already include it in the gold gained?
I am happy to add to the wand fund. Will 1 be enough?
In Character: Avan watches the heated exchange from the shade provided by a nearby building. When it defuses, he turns back to his horse and finishes buckling his saddle.
In Character: Bastion considers his response to Albrecht carefully, "I would be willing to aid in the cost of such a wand, even if I benefit less than most from it, ensuring that those at my back remain healthy is certainly in my interest."
"As for its potential use on me, as I understand it, typical golems and other things like them cannot benefit from healing spells at all. But I was made a little differently."
He raps on the side of his wooden neck with his knuckles, "There is life in here, if not exactly like what would occur naturally, and it responds to the same energies of life, light and healing that your body does. I suspect that plays a part in why I have a proper mind of my own, rather than the blind obedience of simple commands you get with golems."
"So yes, I would benefit from your healing spells, as I did from the one Avan used to revive me. I should note that such seem to be less effective when used on me rather than a fully organic being, so you may wish to reserve your energies for others unless it is an emergency. I have learned several methods to repair myself, and so should be able to manage in most situations."
The warforged pulls out a vial from his pack with a simple bit of grey cloth tied around as a marker, "While we are on the subject, if I do get cut down, and you are not pressed for time, applying one or two of these would work more efficiently than healing spells or the usual potions. Just pour it over the worst of the damage. I have a few of them stored away on my person and in Arion's saddlebags."
Out of Character: Spells from the healing subschool only heal 50% of the rolled result when used on creatures of the Living Construct subtype, but they do work.
The value of the wand of wonder was not included in the funds distributed before, partly because I wasn't sure Avan was letting it go, partly because I'm not sure what percentage of the 12K market price we'd get out of it. Does Kn follow the usual guideline of 50%? If it is 50%, that would be 6,000 gp, or 1,200 apiece.
As to the CLW wand, 1 should be enough. 2 would be nice, but is more insurance and convenience than what I would call necessity.
With 4 people willing to pitch in (Old krusty is the only holdout left ), that brings the cost of a single wand down to 187.5 gp per person.
And yeah, I can see some personality clashes coming down the line with Krusten, should be workable though, and should be interesting.
In Character: Ildrahil frowns as Krusten leaves but listens to Albrecht's advice. "Aye, my uncle be like her. It takes long to gain his trust but once earned it be trust lasting and be warned, if ye break after it be earned there'd be a price. I think it be the same with her." He turns to Bastion and Albrecht and says, "I think putting the item up as security is fair. In truth, if should die while seeking my fortune I ask that one of you seek out my father and uncle and tell them I died bravely, if that be the case and I certainly it would be. Give them what I earned to that point and take what I owe ye and when next we meet in a future life or on another plane I will buy thee a cup of ale… or a pint of oil mayhaps?" He says that while looking perplexed Bastion. "I hope you take no offense."
Out of Character: Krusten, no offense taken! That's why they call this a role playing game and not a roll playing game! .
In Character: Bastion's face quirks in what you think might be amusement, "You can keep both ale and oil. Though I would not say no to a cup of tea, not to drink you understand, I have found the aroma enticing. It makes me wish I possessed a sense of taste."
"In any case, I would be willing to front the funds needed under those terms. Use it well."
Out of Character: If the Wand of Wonder is being sold for 6,000, I believe Ildrahil only needs a loan of 600 gp.
People, bear in mind that we've gotten somewhat ahead of ourselves in the item buying and magic item distribution front. A significant chunk of the trade credit we've been using for such won't actually be ours until after the mission to retrieve the rest of the trade goods.
Rather than going back and trying to work out exactly where everyone is, I suggest simply keeping use and abuse of our new toys to a minimum until we return. Sound good? It should be a relatively quiet and quick trip anyways.
In Character: As soon as the group can gather after the accounts with the merchants have been settled, Bastion says, "Now then, what shall be our next objective? I suspect there are yet many tasks worth doing."
Out of Character: Okay then, that is settled, we have everything now. With a little extra to boot.
It appears we can sell the Wand of Wonder for 6k, giving everyone another 1,200 gp. In addition, we each received 200 gp for the guard duty just performed, on top of the trade credit we've been treating as ours all along.
This puts Ildrahil at needing only 400 GP for those boots of his. Bastion will go ahead and lend that to him.
So what shall we do next? What is this about a fort I keep hearing?
In Character: Ildrahil listens to Bastion. He's come to like him since first they met. He walks next to him and begins, "Yes indeed, I am in the awkward position of owing more gold to a fortress of a… man(?) than I ever thought I would lay eyes on in a single place just a week ago. There is no doubt my fortune has changed thanks to meeting you. I would take this opportunity to thank you each for saving my life in the cave. I harbor no illusions that I would have escaped had not you intervened. Now, mayhaps we could depart this place and find one willing to employ our skills?"
Out of Character: Do we just start traveling or is there a plan that was laid out from before Ildrahil came into the picture?