Out of Character: Agreed, I'd save MSS for now. A gryphon or something similar helping the animal companions at the gatehouse would probably be the best bet.
Krusten, just so you understand what Kn needs from you: Just talked to him, and he's ruling that Bastion's healing surge thingy will be enough to get her up to 0 HP. (I was pretty sure it would be -1, but not gonna argue) So starting at initiative count 20 of the next round, Krusten will be conscious, though moving around or taking much in the way of action will be dangerous.
Oh, man, Alchyrogue. That's not how Produce Flame works at all! It's not Scorching Ray. It should've granted you a flaming ranged touch attack for 4 minutes, but hurled as a standard action. I'm not about to complain though.
I hope KNtoran noted they were touch attacks because that's super useful against armored low-dexterity targets. In hindsight, I should've prepared it. It's all water under the bridge now.
Since I can clearly see the hippogriff I am going to play Avan as though he assumes you've had success upstairs - so you can take on the one guy heading up there now.
Out of Character: welcome back Krusten.
You should be able to drink a potion, but be forewarned that doing so provokes an AOO, and I think there's still one guy standing over you. Might want to add a clause stating that you'll wait until you're clear in that regard.
Out of Character: Fly is still up, will be for a while. Bastion wouldn't have a clue that Deanna is down. Fortunately in that regard, checking on the mages up top is the next logical choice anyways, followed by heading down to assist in the general melee.
I have to say, I'm loving the imagery I'm getting for Bastion in this fight, he's flying around and kicking arse like an old school Iron Man.
Edited: daishain on 7th May, 2017 - 5:24pm