Hi guys so as you might have saw when I rolled for 4 things only one came out should I re-roll them when I can next talk or roll them here?
Hello Sky and welcome to the group. I am Arilynia. To do more than one roll, you have to click on the "Amt" box at the end and choose the number you what; x1, x2, x3, x4 up to x6. You post again for the other 3 rolls if you wish to, so you will have the 4 rolls you wanted. Just state in an "Out of Character" line that is what you are doing.
Hope I helped you some *smile*.
Out of Character: Welcome to the game!
Don't get confused with the Start # box drop-down, which rolls from a minimum of the number selected.
Also, you can type in your +8 modifier for Hide and Move Silently in the bonus box so it gets added automatically.
Finally, you have to type a purposs otherwise it won't roll that line or any of the following lines.
Out of Character: Rivoril and Arilinya may wish to jump out of their respective windows. Even with the fall damage, being near the rest of the team is more survivable than being cornered by these guys away from us.
Besides, you two are fairly dexterous, a good acrobatics check can negate most or all of that fall damage.
Probably should've specified that you'd barricade the doors before getting in position to fire. But its a little late for that now.
Edited: daishain on 14th Apr, 2018 - 4:05pm
This page has the rules for all of the special attacks you can make, including disarm attempts. Source 2o
In short, unfortunately the answer is no, you need to use your hands or a melee weapon for that.
In regards to the post you just made in the leader thread, try to separate out of character from in character text. This is particularly simple if you use an Out of Character: tag. (Type in O O C without the spaces to easily produce that.).