Especially if the undead seem to be undirected, I was thinking that Avan and I could open up by throwing oil pots at them, once several are good and soaked, open up a barrel in their path and set it ablaze as they go through. They should either be trying for us or moving to the town if not being actively instructed, either way their path is predictable.
Do all of that well away from the town and we shouldn't have much in the way of fire hazards.
Well, hopefully they are both in the same place, we are all in.
We can instruct the Cleric, get on it, once he's finnished his preliminary time of prayer?
As long as we keep guard, over him until he completes it.
After healing 8 more strength, Avan asks Bastion, "Getting better yet? Do you think one more day with healing should do it? I don't want to wait too long."
At midday, Avan says to the group, "I found out that the bandits are indeed working directly with the woman who is our enemy. They aren't treated well so if there are any left on her side, they should be easy to bribe. Unfortunately they're not talkative, so they'll need 'convincing'. Would anyone like to assist me in threatening them?
"Oh, and I think one of them has cat allergies. That could be to our advantage too."
Bastion nods appreciatively to Avan, "Much better, not fully there, but it will not take much more."
The next day, fully recovered, Bastion thinks for a time before suggesting, "Perhaps we could resolve this another way. We could ride out under a flag of parley and offer the bandits another choice. Join us, flee, or join those we've already slain."
"I have no qualms about killing them after what I saw them doing, but avoiding spending resources on the secondary threat before engaging the rest of the undead would be prudent, it would be even better if we could turn those assets to our side."
"Of course, if any choose to flip sides, we will have to determine the best way to minimize the risk of betrayal, during the fight or just afterwards. Our captives may have an idea on that."
Although the bandits, don't require magical weapons to hit, they can still be deadly in large numbers.
I would have preferred a bit more time, to set up another trap. But unfortunately, a larger group is already approaching from the ruins.
Rivoril, on his own is not very intimidating, and not a good choice, for bargaining with them, face to face. His diplomacy being only +3 is also a bit hit and miss.
Is there a place, where we can hide the women folk before they arrive? Cellar under Inn?
The best bet, if you wish to parley, is to have Rivoril, and some of the men from the town, in hiding with bows armed. Offering cover support, for whoever is going to parley?
Is there a chance, we could funnel them over the spiked pit, now ready, to help eliminate a few. Rivoril, would of course instruct the townsfolk of its location, to avoid setting it off prematurely.
Then there is the deserted village, idea, that we have seen from the "Magnificent seven," Where the men are all waiting with arrows and fire? Loaded. Hiding from plain sight? The houses, also deserted, because all the women are inside the cellar?
As soon as the pit trap is sprung, then the men will rain fire on them?? From windows, in the Inn, or temple?
"I will happily ride out with you," Avan agrees with Bastion. "Perhaps we should also bring two of the captives along as bargaining chips? They may have friends among the incoming raiding party. Or we can slit their throats to show we are serious."
After mulling it over he says, "Since they do not fear death, maybe we should show them the benefits that cooperation can bring? We can show them the burnt bodies of the undead and tell them that our victory is inevitable. After all we lost no men in both fights. If they change sides, they would get a share in the loot from the pale lady and the town may forgive them, or they can move on and lead better lives elsewhere."