Beast is dreaming of deer meat.
ooc: That was so funny! Someone come wake me up and take care of that orc before he like gets up with ideas .
ooc: I have cleave feat, but my second att. Roll was 7 total, I don't think thats a hit. If I have a next attack I would like to power attack (-2 to hit and +2 to damage). Wow, rolled a natural 20 again! 22 total, Damage roll = 6 total. In case I cleave again, 12 total to hit, 12 total damage. I just realized I have not factored in any bonus for being larger, if I am in fact larger, I don't know if any bonus is given.
Oliron swings his sword at the one orc still standing. Hoping to catch it off guard as it recovers from its run in with a tree. Letting out a triumphant, "YAahhhh!"
Edited: Oliron on 15th Jan, 2010 - 10:46pm
Amaruil stops running and panting, she tries to get cover behind the man who spoke to her. She was truly lucky to have met up with that group; she thought those Orcs would be the end of her. Watching the battle, she takes steps even further away from them, in case she needs to make a quick escape.
Seeing the fear on the face of the newcome elf Pundit asks,
"Are you hurt? Do you have need of my healing powers?"
ooc: Amaruil you found this thread fast! You might want fill in your character stats.
* Krusten is surprised to see another elf maiden coming from the woods. She becomes curious as to why an elf maiden will be alone in the woods, she wonders... *
Where are you from?
* Krusten asks while keeping her eyes on the orcs. *
Still out of breath, Amaruil shakes her head towards Pundit and then turns towards the female; another elf? She hadn't noticed her, but then again she barely had the time to notice anything the way things were.
"Nowhere important." she answered in a rather cryptic manner and avoided the elf's gaze.
Lionel calls out to the new comer, "keep calm, we"ll get through this, just you wait and see", giving the new comer a charming smile.
ooc: Welcome to the group Amaruil, I hope you stay around.
Pundit nods back and then resumes his prayers.
ooc: You catch on quickly, keep it up but don't you and krusten gang up on us and make this a girls vs. Boys or elves vs. Other races thing.