Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Play By Post Party Thread - Page 68 of 590

Last time on Member Wars: AD&D... QUOTE - Page 68 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 20th Jan, 2010 - 11:29am

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19th Jan, 2010 - 9:01pm / Post ID: #

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Play By Post Party Thread - Page 68

Lionel is among one of the first to hear someone calling them, he looks up sees what looks to be a young man waiting by the gate, "ah, looks like we have company", Lionel calls back, "Yes we did, I see you have heard of our battle", Lionel moves forward, leaving Amaruil think about what he has said, a mischievous smiling still lingering on his. "What bring here, stranger, complements or like many other else a chance for adventure", Lionel asks with interest.

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19th Jan, 2010 - 9:48pm / Post ID: #
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Thread Party Post Play Dragons and Dungeons

Born Free says...

* Krusten attentatively watches Amaruil as she listens to her. In the back of her mind she knew that there was something odd here and the disclosure of the word "rogue" was all she needed to sum it up. *

"I see..."

* She replies while distancing herself from this 'class' of commoner. She then looks at the new muscular man at the farm and upon observing that he is human she becomes irritated, almost consumed by the lack of true elven blood around her. *

Rather off topic, but...
Welcome Agartha, don't mind my character, she's full of herself. Can anyone give a confirmation about how the last items were distributed?

Post Date: 19th Jan, 2010 - 10:49pm / Post ID: #

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Play By Post Party Thread
A Friend

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Play By Post Party Thread Archive Pathfinder / D&D

Now in front of the adventurers, Gondrath stands and looks at everyone with a friendly expression.

Looking at the mage who greeted him, he introduces himself.

"The name's Gondrath. Gondrath Theodore, but people call me Gon. I just arrived here in the town today, still trying to get the hang of the place."

He then notices a stare from an elf, whose race Gondrath is very fond of. But Gondrath also knows that elves tend to keep distance from humans and that it takes time to get to know well.

"Well, to be honest, I am dying to use my skills. It has been too peaceful for me, these couple days. From the last town to this one, there was not one little goblin on the way for me to kindly slay! Not one! Can you believe that?"

Scratching back of his heads, he continues.

"So, if you guys are on something that can result in some coins, I could join you guys and give my hand. I am a mercenary from birth. I will be able to help."

Gondrath did not forget to add a grin at the end.

Rather off topic, but...
Thanks for the welcome guys, I am very excited to start this journey!

Reconcile Edited: Agartha on 19th Jan, 2010 - 11:15pm

19th Jan, 2010 - 11:13pm / Post ID: #

Page 68 Thread Party Post Play Dragons and Dungeons

Lionel can't help but laugh, "eager I see, good, we can use enthusiasm" Lionel gains a bit more calm, "I am Lionel Cortez, former prince of a fallen kingdom, and I see you to be a hot blooded fighter, am I right" Lionel asks with a knowing smile.

Reconcile Edited: Thomaslee on 19th Jan, 2010 - 11:15pm

19th Jan, 2010 - 11:45pm / Post ID: #

Thread Party Post Play Dragons and Dungeons

Pundit is happy to see someone stay with the farmer, he was worried about his safety.

"Good to meet you, we are on our way back to the town to better equip ourselves."

SA: I want to ensure we have all the orc heads and ask the farmer if there were any orcs around while we were away.

20th Jan, 2010 - 3:31am / Post ID: #

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Play By Post Party Thread

ooc: Let's not waste much time here. Let's like check out the farm quickly and get back to the town. From there we can cash in the orc heads share up the gold, buy our stuff and like get back out again. Oh and we can drop the slackers who make one post and then don't show up for a week cause all they do is delay the same. If we like aim for a dungeon or something then they'll just have to wait for the next adventure or probably Kntoran can have the slow poke edition for those who don't mind like going that slow.

Beast feels good and healed but he begins to wonder how he can increase his intelligence.

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Post Date: 20th Jan, 2010 - 5:29am / Post ID: #

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Play By Post Party Thread
A Friend

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Play Post Party Thread - Page 68

"I am definitely one of those types."

Gondrath replies, with a smile.

Then he notices that the group is about to head back into the town. And expresses with his gestures that he is ready to move along with everyone.

"I am ready to venture, whenever you are ready."

20th Jan, 2010 - 11:29am / Post ID: #

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Play Post Party Thread D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 68

Last time on Member Wars: AD&D...

international QUOTE
You search the bodies and find five long swords, five short bows, 100 arrows, 43 silver, 56 copper, and 18 gold. One orc is carrying a nice looking medium metal shield.

Since Oliron is a willing subject no saving throw is needed and he is enlarged. The orcs did not survive long enough to really hear the insult or react to it or oliron.

The party regroups after taking the heads and turns to head back south. Your able to make it back to the farm you left the day before after about 5 hours or walking. You do not see or hear anything besides the occassional deer or other woodland creature. Do you wish to stop and take a break at the farm before heading the other three hours back to the city proper?

1. Beast
"We should visit the farmer and see what's new."
SA: I want a bow and some arrows. Le't visit farmer.
Let's like check out the farm quickly and get back to the town. From there we can cash in the orc heads share up the gold, buy our stuff and like get back out again. Beast feels good and healed but he begins to wonder how he can increase his intelligence. (JPatt - ?)

2. Pundit
"To the farmers..."
Sa: Pundit will go to the farmers with caution in case there is an orc trap there.
I want to ensure we have all the orc heads and ask the farmer if there were any orcs around while we were away.

3. Krusten
ooc: I wan to take as many of the silver arrows as you guys will let me, thanks!
* Krusten takes a couple of arrows without asking, almost as if it is her right for slaying the orc. *

4. Oliron
Oliron retrieves his rope and goes to Jonas. Jonas seems more than a little confused at Olirons new size (Handle Animal roll = natural 1). Joans is spooked by Oliron not recognizing him. Noticing this Oliron does not pursue his donkey, her having no rope. She keeps her distance from Oliron and is follows the party back to the farm on her own. Once Oliron has regained his normal size he comforts Jonas. Seeing she needs no rope to follow he ties the rope to her but leaves it wrapped about the donkey's pack.

5. Lionel
Parlaying with party members

6. Gondrath
"I am ready to venture, whenever you are ready."
Then he notices that the group is about to head back into the town. And expresses with his gestures that he is ready to move along with everyone, joining the group.

7. Krakyn
Traveling with group, keeping watch

8. Foxthorn
Traveling with group/AWOL/presumed missing

9. Amaruil Ethrallen
Parlaying with and joining group

10. Namdar
After chuckling mightily to himself at the gargantuan Oliron stalking around, the half-orc looks at the nearly simultaneous new members, one eyebrow raised in mild bafflement. He greets both at the farm, first, introducing himself and the rest of the core party, and welcomes them into the group. "It is a dangerous business, our current activities," he warns, nodding to the two of them, sizing up the new human warrior and elven opportunist. "Another solid warrior from the race of Man, good, good. And yet another elven maiden, leaving me surprised yet again. I did not recall ever coming across this many elves in my travels or around this area, but it seems there is a convention lately or something. No matter, extra hands are extra hands - as long as they keep to their own coin purse. And I would know."

"Also, make sure that we all know, the older core group, and the newcomers, that we can all have differing opinions on things, and even of each other, but we all have to work together, and rely on each other, and be there, for each other, because that is what makes the difference between a band that begins to get some good coordination and gainful results, and the band being the scattered, looted bodies on the ground beneath the feet of the enemy."

"At the moment, we have been investigating orc territory, perhaps looking for the stronghold. The rate as we know it is 20 gold per orc head, mine excluded. We have also been collecting coins, weapons and other items from the bodies, which should be forming into a respectable pool of coin and available stock that might be sellable for a bit extra, if we do not need it." He rubs his shoulder roughly, trying to work out a kink from the last battle.

"Our initial aim was also to help this farmer fix up his fence. And before even that, back in town, we were going to escort a caravan to another town who has been having immediate danger of orcs overrunning it, but we decided to try this first. I agree we will need to get back to town and 'cash in' and maybe resupply, and make our next decision on what path to pursue, there in town." The party leader snugs up the sack of orc heads, looking at it blankly, thinking of something else.

"So, we check on the farmer, but... We just walked five hours, and it is still another three to town - after a battle, I'm not sure how wise it is to press on if we don't have to. I do want to see how he's getting along here, see what else we need to do for his fence if possible if we're able to come back by and finish it for him or bring him supplies, then head back into town with the heads, divide the total money pool as appropriate to everyone's participation, meaning I think we can see our way clear to front the new members a few coins but the original group gets the main split. The same with the other weapons and items. Soon I am going to look over what we've got here, and see if I can come up with a summary of our group's total booty so far, so we have an idea of our options in town."

OOC: I'm pretty sure there are no "silver arrows" - there are "100 arrows, 43 silver, 56 copper, and 18 gold" - those are coins or "pieces" in D&D lingo - separate from the arrows: 100 arrows, (and) 43 silver (pieces), 56 copper (pieces), and 18 gold (pieces).

I agree with "Beast" about the one-hit-wonder posters, really - it's neither here nor there, for me, about their characters, if they don't show back up after one or two posts - that's just one of those things that's bound to happen sometimes.

And welcome to Agartha, good start, hope you enjoy it and get into the game - it's a good group. (smile)

Rather off topic, but...
I was going to make a second post with a summary of all the stuff we've found, but there is some sort of "two post" thing where I can't login for a whole 'nother day, and I don't know why that happened.

Reconcile Edited: jpatt on 20th Jan, 2010 - 11:36am

> TOPIC: Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Play By Post Party Thread


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