Oliron seeing an opportunity to gain some possible invaluable information hails the farmers.
"Hello, why are your numbers so few friend?" "Please tell me you are not all that is left." Oliron goes on to ask if they have a more accurate number of the orc party and if anyone in particular is in dire need of help. Wishing the farmers well in a silent prayer he marches on.
Oliron is walking now with the party. Thus easing the load of the donkeys with their laden cart.
OOC: I hope this doesn't slow down our progress to the actual destination. I just thought maybe we could get some tid bits of information from these farmers. Once we get that I assume we are done with them and can move on to the target (orcs).
ooc: I was wondering the same thing. I wanted to know how much magic stuff we could buy so I could know what to get.
*Krusten hates to be rushed while she is shopping but the group is ready to go and within herself she knows she is always ready too. *
ooc: Just to let you know I'm here, I just haven't seen much I can do in game. Just trying to fix up my shopping, and know how much Lionel has left, I looked over equipment, but couldn't find anything on the 'basic' items. Should I take a look in starter equipment for that?
Lionel finishes packing and getting everything together. He's surprised at how well the trip to town went, and has found someone else to call a friend. "I'm ready when everyone else is", he tells the group.
Edited: Thomaslee on 28th Jan, 2010 - 2:13pm
ooc: I think the main problem we're facing here is like the time it takes to post what we're doing, then the leader to post it, then for the GM to be here to like read it an answer all while working with different time zones and schedules. Really though its not like a real problem its just some want to come and see an update to the game each day. Maybe cause their not in other RPs. I'm fine with the pace cause I have other stuff here that keeps me busy I guess.
Beast feel so good with his armor that he wonders if it is possible to even be hit. His little wisdom tells him he shouldn't be so pompus though.
After Oliron speaking with the farmers, the party heads out northward... hopefully on the fastest or most reliable path, as provided by the farmers or townsfolk, watching for enemies.
Pundit, Lionel and Krusten appear lost in concentration, which isn't terribly unusual for the trio, as they are no doubt attempting to channel their respective gifts, for use if needed.
Oliron is walking now with the party. Thus easing the load of the donkeys with their laden cart.
Alert for trouble, Skedvick walks alongside Namdar's horse, which is traveling at a slow gait. The half-orc looks down and at the party, seeing all are present, with Makonai at the back and Amaruil having fitted herself in among the rest of the group,
Beast, looking like a metal armadillo, walks on, smiling proudly and contentedly.
The party leader rides most of the way, pace keeping with the party, just to get used to riding, on the road or trail, but to the far edge for easy movement to cover, planning to dismount and lead Grue a bit more inconspicuously when it is estimated the party is about a mile from the farms, hopefully able to see them before anyone there sees the group, slowly keeping closer to the hopefully concealing shade of the trees. Eyes search the distance, trying to spy any activity. This of course assumes we meet nothing on the way.
The son of Kourosh speaks aloud, still facing forward. "So, what are everyone's thoughts so far, our past days, and now, our plan?"