Initially ready for combat around every corner, Namdar almost grows disappointed as they travel peacefully until reaching an idyllic farm, where one could almost forget their troubles. He brings Grue to stand near a fence, eyes searching the scene, before nodding to the others to approach and look over the farm.
* Seeing the human man once again puts Krusten on alert. She previously saw many come towards them from the forests and they parted like a mystery. Only the rogue elf remained and though not within her class she prided herself that the elf remained to show the follies of humankind. She stays silent only to observe the man. *
SA: Bow ready from the fence with Namdar.
Oliron stands saddened by the fact there are no Orcs to fight. He wanted to take out his aggressions. Oliron waits for Namdar and others to decide their path once again.
ooc: I hope whatever path we take from here will be obvious and we probably wont need to vote or whatever.
ooc: Alright weekend is over guys let's get back to it. Hopefully GM will update the game today.
Beast does not approach the man, he does not want to say something stupid or make him scared by his half-orc look. He will like just stay by the road and get ready to go further north.
SA: If nothing important here he goes north.
* Krusten finds it strange that the orcs will leave this farm to go further south to attack. She wonders if this farmer knows something or is perhaps paying a tax to the orcs. Maybe her mind is running free but she intends to do something about it as she boldly walks passed the farmer *
"Thanks for letting us look around your farm, we are looking for orcs...."
* She doesn't wait for permission or even agreement, she just starts looking around and tries to peer into his house. *
SA: Just what I said.