ooc: One thing for sure is this guy is like not happy we're there so let's not be like too quick to leave until we have definiete info whomever is leader.
* Krusten listens to Namdar's apology to the farmer. She pouts a bit and thinks to herself how incapable half orcs are at accomplishing tasks, worst of all because he is male. She knows within herslef that she could get the truth out of this farmer within just a minute. *
"The Duke", Lionel breaks in intrigued, "Tell me, just how close are you to your half brother and what can you tell me about him", Lionel asks, "you see I am of royal birth as well, the prince of Anhangá", shows the farmer his royal symbol (the necklace).
ooc: Unsure if it would make a difference but, I rolled a 21 counting +4 for charisma on a 1d20. If it does help, I hope to gain more information.
ooc: I don't think the GM would of put like so much details if this was just a regular farm, we need to check it out. Don't let him go back inside. Krusten you like have high charisma see if you can get inside for a drink or something.
Lionel turns to the other members with him and asks, "Is it not intriguing that this man is related to the Duke".
ooc: guys, don't just post out of character, I need you actions for us to be able continue. Anyway, yes I noticed the stump too, but lets think about the farmer here, unharmed by the orcs. Now it's possible that he himself is working with the orc, but him having the Duke as a half brother, is it not possible that the Duke is paying the orcs to leave his half brother's farm alone, maybe even using his brother or his farm for some other plans. Just an option.
Edited: Thomaslee on 12th Feb, 2010 - 2:27pm
Pundit thinks that all of this strangeness can't be as simple as a farmer protecting himself. So he tries to get into his hut...
"May we sit to have something to drink, there is something I wish to share with you."
SA: Pundit will be insistant in going in the hut of the farmer.
ooc: Does anyone have a charm or truth spell?
"It's true we are very tired, is there any way we can rest here and maybe have a drink", Lionel asks the farmer.
ooc: I don't have any, sorry thought he had tried the door.
Edited: Thomaslee on 12th Feb, 2010 - 9:26pm