OOC: Ok guys and gals, check this over if you would please, and post any changes wanted and I'll try to post to PL ASAP if the other remaining names happen in fairly shortly.
"Thank you", Lionel the officer as he readies to go in, he unpacks his best cloths to take with him, and anything else he may need. While going with the officer into the manor, he starts a conversation with him. Lionel looks around, to see what splendors the Duke has, and who is there. He asks the officer, "This is a splendid manor, not as great as was my father's palace mind you, but still impressive for the rank of a duke. So tell me what is your name officer, and what can you tell me about this Duke Thermwood that I will be meeting?"
ooc: I make a spot check (19, counts mod) and charisma check (17, counts mod)
Ryorst followed Lionel a few paces behind, careful to keep an ear out for anything that seems important or unusual.
Listen check, 1d20 rolled. After bonuses I get a 19.
Ryorst, please roll at least one D12 also - GM seems to use these as the dice for perception checks, I don't know why, but it's been consistent, I think. Generally when a player knows pretty much they need to roll something, we've been making 2 rolls of 1D6, 1D12, 1D20. Had to roll a D10 once or twice but it doesn't seem to be common, so when you DO want to roll for something, just make a whole block of rolls so they're there if the GM needs them, both the dice you think you'll need, and also an extra or backup die in case 2 rolls were needed for something.
"I wonder why this is such a crap shoot? I hear dissatisfaction with the Duke in some capacity, but nothing specific - how can one be 'generally' displeasing, but not in any way you could point to? This is puzzling. And I still wonder how long this is going to take - we need to coordinate between the inside and outside groups as much and as efficiently as possible."
The half-orc decides to 1.) follow-up on the best, most likely places and people where he seemed to get the most useful and talkative information about the Duke's lack of screaming supporters, attempting to get an idea of how long an audience usually lasts, including the waiting and such - if it's typically a few hours, a day, etc. 2.) He also wants to keep an eye on Grue to make sure he's ok in the stables, and 3.) lastly, to see if there is any suitable candidate to be "shadowed" that might lead Namdar to some other person or place that might provide more info on this place, the Duke, orcs, etc.
1D6 (init.?): 1/+ DexBon = 2, 4/+1 = 5
1D12 (perc.?): 9, 11 (no adjust; I have: *F: Investigator, 2 Listen,
3 Search, 2 Spot)
1D20: 15, 13 (no adjust: I have: 2 Bluff, 3 Diplomacy, 3 Disguise, 3 Gather Info, 2 Intimidate, 2 Perform: Act, 2 Sense Motive, 2 Hide, 3 Move Silent)
OOC: Alright, I rolled more dice as suggested. My totals, after applying my +4 rank, and my -1 WIS mod, are:
2d20: 11, 19
2d12: 6, 9
2d6: 8, 9
If you need them for any other reason, without the effective +3, they are:
2d20: 8, 16
2d12: 3, 6
2d6: 5, 6
ooc: Just for clarity. We are two days walk from where we were. The leader and two others including Lionel went in to meet the Duke. So the decision now is whether we wait or go back two days to find orcs?
OOC: I quess my vote is to stay and wait for someone from the inside group to report back to the outside group. If we just up and leave the inside group will have no clue were we are. They may only be gone for a day also and this hole thing would be cleared up soon, maybe. Just a suggestion but lets go hunting deer, we might run into some orcs or something. Also maybe do some scouting on the surrounding area, who knows what information we might stumble on.
No Modifiers
2d6 = 2,3
2d8 = 1,5
2d10 = 6,3
2d12 = 7,7
2d20= 15,2 : if needed
ooc: I agree with you Oliron but I also agree with Play, we should just hang here. We need to keep an eye on the gate some place where they can't do the same on us.
* Krusten doesn't like this situation she notes the division in the party's goals and actions. She remains more alert now for any trouble. *
SA: Stick around for awhile but remain alert and out of sight of the soldiers.
ooc: I also agree with that. Since the reason we stayed out here is a mistrus of the whole Duke situation then why relax now and just remain outside, it won't make any sense to do that. This is another reason there should have been an exact plan about when to expect them back so we can know up to what time to give them before we move on.
ooc: Yes Pundit, I thought of how we would know when they were done only after they had gone in. As it seems we all did. Though I think Namdar, in his mode of sneak and gathering side information, he should be ok if the Duke turns on Lionel. Pundit your logic of, we should hide because that is our mindset, is key. I think you are very right in saying this and we should.
Oliron poses actions to the party:
"Should we get off this road into the west woods here a bit and look for a good camp that can be hidden?" "We can set a rope up in a tall tree and take turns watching the gate." "I was thinking if we soaked a bit of cloth in oil and attached it to an arrow." "The person on guard could shoot the arrow down into a fire, wether smoldering or lit, if they see some unknown body approaching." Oliron shrugs.
"Skedvick, Beast, and I are also going off to hunt some deer in the western woods." "Pundit, Krusten, you are welcome to join if you like." Oliron smiles.
ooc: So, I am guessing this sounds good to all. If anyone else has any suggestions on how to do this differently or whatever, please post so. Otherwise I suppose we are offering up this set of actions to JPatt for Party Leader Posting.
OOC: Do either of our sorcerers have a familiar? If so, is either of them a Raven? Ravens speak Common, if I recall, and can be used effectively to relay information between groups when the party splits up. Also, you guys might want to talk to the guards, nicely, and see if you can befriend them, or gather any further information from them about their personal thoughts, rather than their duties. Just a few thoughts.