Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Play By Post Party Thread - Page 123 of 590

Ryorst snarls a little as he draws his flail. - Page 123 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 21st Mar, 2010 - 1:33am

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20th Mar, 2010 - 1:08am / Post ID: #

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Play By Post Party Thread - Page 123

ooc: If you look on the right side of the screen on your posts you will see an edit and edit stats. Option, I would fill that in, though I don't think your character Luso Ratee will be long lived in this group Provokastora. No offense to you but our cleric can detect evil. If you act shady in any way I am pretty sure you will be the target of this spell. Considering the location and timing we picked you up. Good luck, ...

Reconcile Edited: Oliron on 20th Mar, 2010 - 1:10am

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20th Mar, 2010 - 2:01am / Post ID: #

Thread Party Post Play Dragons and Dungeons

ooc: All I have to say is "huh"?

Pundit sees the aura of the newcome to the group, he feels uneasy about his presence and wonders if his coming has anything to do with the spell that was cast. Coincidential... Can't be... he thinks as he rubs his chin and looks on.

SA: Will just wait to see what happens next.

Rolls: 1d20: 8,18

20th Mar, 2010 - 4:31am / Post ID: #

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Play By Post Party Thread Archive Pathfinder / D&D

OOC: I don't know, I had a chaotic evil character once. Granted, I was killed by the party, but that's hardly important to my point. I failed to have a party-friendly CE char... Well, I was doing OK, but I slipped, which isn't to say you will... Ah, I'm getting off-track. My point is that as long as you RP that you are doing what's best for the party, CE could simply be that you enjoy torturing, burning, and cannibalizing your foes. So, say we go around hunting orcs, and need to bring back their heads. You'd happily carry the heads, and maybe even an arm or a leg for a snack later. Or you enjoy slowly cutting the heads off of living orcs in a very painful manner, because you're a sick S.O.B. That doesn't mean you have to kill anyone who disagrees with you. (My CE char drank the blood from the foot that was ripped off of a gnome rogue who was still alive. And liked it.)

20th Mar, 2010 - 4:44am / Post ID: #

Page 123 Thread Party Post Play Dragons and Dungeons

ooc: Well at first I wasn't going to say anything but when I saw his spell selection as hypnotism, immediately my thoughts went to ok he is going to try and hypnotize us. Obviously my character has no knowledge of this but me as a player can see this turning bad for the party. Meta gaming or not I won't sit by and let a new character kill or hurt players within our party. I mean what do we do wait for him to try and kill us? If he is going to play with the party and help us I see no problem but the fact he is CE begs the question why.

20th Mar, 2010 - 7:43am / Post ID: #

Thread Party Post Play Dragons and Dungeons

OOC: Except he's a wizard. The way I see it, one of us is bound to make the save, and when they do, that's it. I mean, Ryorst is capable of KOing a level one wizard in a single hit. I think it's 1d10 damage from my heavy flail, with +5 strength mod, that's 6-15 damage. A wizard is 1d6 hit die, isn't it? Meaning unless his CON mod is huge, I should be able to KO him with most any roll on the d10. Mind, my -1 Will save doesn't help, but anyone can get a lucky roll, right?

Post Date: 20th Mar, 2010 - 11:22am / Post ID: #

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Play By Post Party Thread
A Friend

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Play By Post Party Thread

OCC: A good cleric attacking an unarmed person for greeting him? OK... don't worry guys he has an intelligence score of 18... And I intent to play him that way... he wont do something like attacking the group like a stupid goblin smelling plunder... Plus he realizes that he is not Elmister of Rivendale yet and he needs company. As long as it suits his purposes he will be cheerful helpful and forthcoming, and he might even take a liking of you. As for hypnotize I chose that spell for various reasons... Its the most cost effective level 1 spell (eg sleep has 100 gp material components) and will help us as group much more than it would help if I memorize burning hands 5 times... For a whole of 5 d4 hp damage. About the number of spells known... I know that normally I should know 6 level 1 spells. But using the character creation that was linked to the site was only allowed to pick 4 spells so I thought it was a house rule. I don't complain about it and I don't know if I can update my character that was already accepted by the dungeon master without his permission, frankly I believe that wizards don't need any more bonuses and I don't mind them loosing a few. I do know that low level wizards are pretty weak but that is the whole fun of playing a wizard, to get through the low levels. When they reach the point they can destroy planets with a spell combo then its pretty much pointless.

Reconcile Message Edited...
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20th Mar, 2010 - 6:12pm / Post ID: #

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Play Post Party Thread - Page 123

Namdar sighs again, wondering how everything, once again, went south so quickly.

Take down the guy on the horse. It'll be easy. Zap! Not so easy. And what can they do about it? Follow the guy? I don't think that's a very good idea, but how will the rest of the party feel about that? Some are no doubt ready to give chase, but likely to their misfortune.

"I need to go get my horse, under the guise of "Prince Lionel's" attendant getting the horse some exercise or something, plus I'll update Lionel on what just happened, and he can in turn tell us how things -"

Namdar Al Sattar grimaces at a newcomer that already has the rest of the group set on edge, someone apparently intent on hanging out with them. The group has seen such chaotic behavior from new players, though this Ryorst, positively, seems to be a good and stable addition.

Evil? Namdar has seen a lot of "evil" in his travels, and knows it is a relative thing, or at least considers it to be so - one man's evil is another man's fight for survival or an ugly means to an imperative end... The group seems to be very quickly cementing against the stranger, and Namdar is not sure if he can do anything to erode that.

"Friend," the half-orc says, his kafiya wrapped around his face, "Well met but... I caution you, our group seems to attract misfortune like iron to lodestone, and we are wary of new acquaintances - we have seen a lot of unpredictability in previous companions, and I pray you not repeat this quality."

Namdar turns to the others, who are looking suspiciously at the newcomer.

"With what happened, I think we could again, use all the help we can get - even with his keg throwing prowess, I doubt Ryorst could have made the difference in our last encounter, no offense good Ryorst. With all respect to Pundit and his divine divining, I believe in deeds and accountability on action, and measuring a man by the quality of his character - I think we all have our own reputations with others for our choice to leave normal life and trek off into the wilds, which is no doubt seen by some as crazy and questionable. But... I think I will update Lionel on what just happened, and get my horse in case we need him, and will return later."

OOC: Not to sound like a GM's pet or anything, but there are an AWFUL lot of "OOC" posts in the party RP thread with absolutely NO actual RP in them - I think that's usually king of a requirement isn't it, to use OOC as a "PS, Out of Character", not a post in itself? The Questions thread seems to be the de facto OOC thread.

Anyway, what I was going to say was first, as noted, we don't know he is "evil", I think a lot of people are metagaming and jumping to pretty broad conclusions, and also could be passing up the chance for their characters to develop some depth with some moral issues and even showing some vulnerability and foibles of heroes typically being incautious and optimistic and welcoming.

Second, there are a lot of possible interpretations for evil - I played a "Dr. Smith" (Lost in Space) "evil" character, a necromancer, that got on the city council without anyone knowing what he was, and in fact got put in charge of the town's graveyard, from where he secretly stole corpses and turned them into his own zombie army - but he didn't do anything directly against the other characters, as they weren't his concern or focus.

Evil isn't just mindless psycho killer, even Chaotic Evil, it just means he CAN be, and is unpredictable - but that doesn't mean he can't act with deliberation and care - he can understand advantage of numbers and being ingratiated with a group of heroes of accepted but somewhat questionable people, the perfect cover. As it stands, he has introduced himself in a pleasant manner and there is no other reason to suspect any problem with him than with any other person that joined us - in fact, maybe he can claim he's wearing an evil cursed ring he can't remove or something, that gives him a false aura of evil, and saps his strength or something, to satisfy Pundit's "detect"?

Last, why are we going south, again?

21st Mar, 2010 - 1:33am / Post ID: #

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Play Post Party Thread D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 123

Ryorst snarls a little as he draws his flail.

"Enough bickering, let's finish this." he snaps at the arguing group. "If we waste any more time, we'll miss our chance."

Reconcile Edited: Rentok on 21st Mar, 2010 - 1:37am

> TOPIC: Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Play By Post Party Thread


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