After you mount the lizard it turns and takes you deeper into the swamp. It is less than a hour as it approaches a isle with a large cave opening on it. The lizard stops at the edge of the island to allow you to climb off. As you climb off the lizard you see Slickhide walking out of the cave.
Tobo steps off the lizard onto dry land, memories of his first days adventuring come flooding back once he spots Slickhide. He waves smiling wide .
Once near the lizard man, Tobo reaches out to shake his hand, "Greetings again Slickhide, I bring an important question from the town north of here, can we talk." Edited: Oliron on 9th Jun, 2010 - 5:43am
Slickhide greets you in similar fashion and nods his head yes. He turns and leads you into the cave. As you enter you see steps leading down into the ground. The cave is very damp and the steps are slick. Roll to make sure you do not slip and tumble down the stairs.
You make it down the steps and find your self in a passageway that curves back and forth as you travel along it. There are a few rooms with lizard folk in them off to the sides every so often. Finally Slickhide turns into one that has a desk and a map of the swamps behind it. He walks over to the desk which has a large lizardman sitting behind it. Slickhide takes a chair in from of the desk and indicates another one for you. He tells you we can talk here.
Tobo sits down in the indicated chair. Not sure how he should proceed Tobo clears his throat.
"I am sure you know of the town to the north. I have returned from there with a question pertaining to your land. They would like to set up a roadway threw this swamp. I am supposed to map the quickest way threw this swamp so that a roadway can be erected. However I thought you should be asked your opinion on this before I return with the information they require."
Diplomacy: 8, 12, 9, 12 - with mods.
The large lizard man stand up and introduces himself as Thickskin. He is the Lizardmen chieftain. HE asks about the plans and the means by with the humans and others plan to raise a road through their swamp. He has a idea of where this can take place but he would like a few concessions of bridges in places so the swamp can survive.