Tobo is ready to cut and run. Spending way more time then what he felt comfortable, Tobo forgets this hole.
* Remembers sitting behind a home he and his friends were robbing way to long, to be caught by a neighbor *
Tobo walks back to the path and towards the swamp. It looks ominous to him, he wonders if he will live mutch longer.
2d20: no mods
Hide in Shadows: 8
Move Silently: 5 Edited: Oliron on 22nd Mar, 2010 - 5:09am
Tobo looks around for something to make a raft out of. Maybe if he gathered some logs together and hacked them into a uniform length, using his rope to tie them together. Putting a layer of small branches on top of that, he could make a raft.
ooc: I don't know if said logs are available, if their isn't I will have to go around the swamp following the road I quess. Also I am not sure the best way to make a raft. If their is a better one that Tobo would know about I will do that.
Craft Raft: 1d20 +3 = 17
Seeing no logs around the area you decide to follow the road. You enter the swamp and find the water to be about thigh deep as you cross the first waterway. Coming back up on the far side you find yourself on somewhat dry land. Here the road turns to the left as you continue. Ahead of you you can see half eaten bodies of lizard men and goblins. You do not see any weapons and you hear nothing but the sounds of insects, frogs and other swamp creatures.