I rise and make an offering amounting to all of my remaining money (9 sp), apologizing for offering only money and nothing living.
I then begin to pray for the following spells
Create water
Fleeting Fame
Detect magic
Level 1 Spells
Magic Weapon
Cure Light Wounds
Summon Undead
O.O.C. I choose as my two domains Death and destruction gaining granted power of death touch and smite once per day-I choose not to substitute any of my spells for the level one domain spells
After my prayer I wait for the gnoll to finish then approach him saying, " What business brings you to prayer, servant of Erythnul"
Going to go through alot of actions so you don't have to wait on me, lets see if we can do this.
He is walking away so I should either get an attack of opportunity or at least flat footed.
I rolled a 14 to hit plus my modifier makes it 17 if only flat footed
I rolled a 6 for damage plus modifier makes it 9. Bashing the Gnoll on the back of his head with my Mighty mace.
If I got an attack of opportunity, I cast deathwatch as my next move to see how badly he is injured.
If close to dying I say " Threaten me not CUB, for your stinking pelt will make a nice rug for the floor and your blood will be a fitting offering for for he whom I serve. Now throw down your weapon or die."
If he isn't close to dying, or if I don't get an AOO then I prepare for a fight after my first attack. If he makes it through my AC then my savings throw is 9.
K, that should be good for a start.
Users who do not want to be here should not be here. User BadByrd has been deleted.
I was wondering if you could start off the solo campaign post. Unless you prefer I start it.
Tobo is your typical lighthearted halfling on the surface but underneath he is a survivalist. Using his skill and abilities to try and stay ahead of the game.
Yes, I will start it I was just finding where I was going to place you.
You wave goodby to your parents as you set off in search of fame. Your mother did not want her eldest son to leave but she knew that it would only be a matter of time before you were totally bored in the small village or in jail again. The road leads north and south from your village. Turning from your parents you now make your first real discission. North towards the swamps or south towards the steamy jungles.
As you walk to the north with a spring in your step that spring soon becomes just a normal walk after three long hours of walking. As you come to a rise in the land you can begin to smell the swamps in the air. Up ahead you can see the darker splotch on the horizon that you know is the beginnings of the swamp lands. you have head that there are lizard folk that live in the swamp area. Looking forward to the swamps you head that way knowing that in a couple hours you will be there.