You can be sure the speed will not be fast for the current RPG member wars run by KNtoran, as far as his campaign is concerned. Though I am pretty sure you can start your own campaign as GM once you have established yourself.
Quickly, I would say try and not get booted from here. They are strict and don't play around very much.
I agree with Oliron on his points -
If you'd like to stick around and see how things ARE done here, just take some time out and look through some threads, on the main site/forum itself and the RPGs section and AD&D game specifically for it too. Don't get in a big hurry or confused or stressed out - that will only serve negatively.
It can take a day to get a new character approved, depending on when the GM is on and if he has time to look it over. I direct you next to read the AD&D: How It Works thread I've posted here in the Member Wars section to explain exactly what you can expect for this particular forum RP and how to participate.
I hope things smooth out for you and everything can get into an easy, progressive momentum for you.
If your trying to manipulate another player character you have to roll their intelligence score any score above that means you have succeeded on the manipulation if they fail their saving throw vs intelligence. Remember to add in your bonuses. Remember that as your trying to manipulate one anther could be doing the same to you. Also using another by manipulation is the fabric that can tear a party apart.
Lionel wishes to play this game of manipulation to see if Amaruil can be trusted, and learn more about her. Amaruil wishes to play this game of manipulation because she thinks she can used Lionel and because she thinks it fun.
TO KNTORAN: I'd like to sell my leather armor for whatever I can get, and then buy studded leather and a buckler - do I need to make special posts or get permissions or make rolls and such or just post in the party thread or the party leader thread or what, as I don't know how much things can sell for, since you bought the bows and swords for much more than the usual halfprice?
To KNTORAN: Nevermind about the armor, as we sold the ring - we would like to know what it did though, just for the opportunity to beat ourselves up.
More importantly, I'd like to buy a light warhorse, or equivalent, basically I just want something to ride and carry my gear, I don't care if it's actually a "warhorse", just one more sturdy than a light horse, as it really can't carry as much weight, and Namdar is already shy of 300 lbs (I lowered it after reading half-orcs aren't as heavy as I thought) and carrying 110 lb.s of gear total, so if he's walking with everything, and combat is joined or he needs to do rogue things, he'll just have to drop his pack upon which all his extra gear is affixed, lowering his encumbrance to 50 lbs, which is about 8 lbs shy of a Light Load for him, so no penalties.
Edited: jpatt on 24th Jan, 2010 - 9:30pm