If you want a character generated quickly, use the Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Character Generator. There are also help buttons to guide you. You must have javascript enabled and wait for it to download if you are on a slow connection.
Beowolf, I'll risk answering since KNtoran usually is not here on Sundays or Mondays - basically you can create any character / class you want but he must approve it. Look for the AD&D Character Thread for where to Post your created character and more info.
Please! I was woundering if anyone can help me create a class:
Silver Tongue; Storyteller, loose mix of Bard, Sorcerer, and based off of the book/movie Inkheart. Has an emphasis on knowledge gathering, and creation, convincing speech/words, and creating illusions.
Basic structure for spells will be like this:
"¢ Major Level Point, Conjuration spells
Many if not most creation spells; Fabricate, Miner Creation, Creation, Major Creation, Genesis, exc.
The Shadow Conjuration and Shades spells
"¢ Major to Middle Level Point, Illusion spells
"¢ Major to Middle Level Point, Enchantment spells
"¢ Odd spells to even out like Wish, Comprehend Languages, Tongues, Dismissal
Lionel Alexander Cortez
He is a silvertongue, well known for his ability to tell beautiful stories, of convincing others to his way of thinking, and being able to buff his way out of anything.
He travels the world looking for more stories in which to tell, he looks for histories, myths and legends, and local folklore; through all his travels his has learned that his silvertongue abilities can actually be used in other ways. He discovered not so long ago that when he tells his stories he can actually give his stories live, that his audience can actually see what he is describing. He will find that he has a rare gift, one that allows him to influence others beyond normal limits, and that his words can actually become a reality.
Why don't you use the AD&D Character Generator which does all the calculations for you? Go here: Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Character Generator.
I'm not sure I understand, you want to participate in KNtoran's AD&D game? If so you need to create a Character that he must approve and then Post it in the relevant Thread.