Well, I'll try.
The party fought some orcs and saved a farmer's family, the man himself died.
Took the orc heads and gear back to the village.
Krusten and another character left.
Agreed to protect a Caravan of supplies.
Fought some orcs on the road, they left before finishing the fight when called by some big orc on a horse.
Finished escorting the Caravan to a city, asked around for work and did business.
Met a druid, lost most of the people.
Agreed to try and take out the 3 or 4 hill giants that are problems for the miners.
Killed a hill giant.
2 characters in the city were told by Krusten, who was passing through, that we were off north and might use their help.
The two characters seemed to want to go after Krusten, though she was not re-joining the party.
The other campaign, I can't help you with, not knowing what has all happened since you left, as you left before I joined. We're in a cave fighting goblins and junk.
I am pretty sure you can join back in with KNtoran's campaign, though you would have to ask him. Last I knew you were way off from were we are now so I don't know maybe you came after us and are just now catching up, I don't know. Anyways your welcome back into my campaign whenever you want, though I think your character name was Gabriel.
Rentok was pretty well on with what has been going on in KNtoran's campaign.
Thanks Rentok and Oliron, those were both very helpful. I now know that (I think, and thankfully) not too much has gone by since I have been gone, though I am only fairly certain on this with KNtoran's game, I will have to learn more on Oliron's game in his threads.
You three are on the south slope of the mountain heading for the pass where the rocks are at while the dogs and swordsmen are fighting on the north slope so the second giant is out of your line of sight. It will take you another two melee rounds to get up to the pass.