Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Play By Post Questions - Page 2
Rather off topic, but...
Well I am/was running a play by post of my own in my own forum but my players are slowly (or maybe quickly) dwindling, plus it's near being over, so I guess if it is alright with everyone I could try this out, though I'm probably not used to the way this one is done, as there are specifics and details unique to each forum RPG that differ from another.
And I don't know if you were addressing me about the "AD&D/D&D system couldn't be distributed like that", I don't understand what you mean; I've played D&D redbox, AD&D2E, 3.0/3.5 and D20 SRD, as well as other fantasy games, and it isn't that hard to adapt things from one to the other, be it skills or races or equipment or money or system mechanics, etc. - especially the different D&D versions, they function almost identically.
If you weren't addressing me, then disregard that previous paragraph. =)
So if I'm accepted to play, what do I need to do first, second, etc?
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