Another query, are you using home rules for familiars?
By default a familiar's master can't get much in the way of sensory data from a distance, just basic emotions. It isn't until level 13 that images can be obtained, and even then only once per day.
I think it is safe to assume the mage is over level 5, in which case the familiar can talk to the master, but that's verbal communication, not telepathy or anything else that can report details from a distance.
Bastion wouldn't know the difference of course, just wanted to clear things up.
Kntoran, As mentioned in the leader thread, Krusten borrowed a few things from her party members for that shot. Bastion's strategist gloves, and Avan's Bracers of archery. Casting of true strike from the gloves grants her +20 for her next attack. The possibility of using that to negate the distance penalty is the main reason we were willing to try this.
I don't know if the bracers stack with the rest of what she's got, but if it does, she actually shorted herself by 3 on that first attack roll rather than being too high by 18. Edited: daishain on 4th Apr, 2017 - 5:02pm
Thanks for your quick response KNtoran. I have another question for you. Last time we came through here we were unable to turn the wagon or anything. I assume that it would likewise be impossible for us to hide the wagon off the road somehow and set an ambush for anyone who might come investigate?
2nd queston: where are we exactly along the road. I remember there being some ruins of a camp at the top of the second hill and then it being down hill/flat until we reached the fort. Are we at those ruins or further along?
3rd question: Assuming it is impossible for us to hide the wagon off the road, would it be possible to turn it so that it blocks the road and impedes the progress of anyone coming to investigate? We are thinking of using it as a choke point to limit the number of foes we have to face in open combat.
1. Yes it is impossible to turn the wagon around unless you are at one of the camps up on top of a hill or at the stronghold itself.
2. You had stopped part way up the last hill before you were in sight of the strong hold itself.
3. You can place the wagon across the road to make it very hard to get around.
You are in a slope and it can make a wagon unstable to be across the slope keep that in mind.
In Character: Ildrahil looks at Deanna, "Mayhaps you could help here. Do ye have any spells that can hide the party and our wagon?"
Out of Character: I posted this over in the party leader thread yesterday and should have posted it here.