Hello, I am LDS, and I am a Voluntaryist, sometimes called Anarchist, and chances are you think this is a bad thing, but it's actually the opposite and I look forward to sharing why.
I look forward to sharing some new ideas that you may not have considered and talking about world news and LDS doctrine.
Take Care.
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Voluntaryist believe in the non aggression principle.
That force should not be used to solve problems.
We think that all money should be exchanged voluntarily and that all taxation is evil and is violence because if you don't pay you go to jail and if you resist you get shot .
The State is force and has a monopoly on violence which has the legal ability to initiate force on it's own citizens. This is as immoral as it gets.
So a voluntaryist believes in not using violence to solve problems, no taxation, voluntary exchanges of property , and no State or government because of the violent nature that causes the worlds problems.
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