i voted other,... but the main cause for a lot of dead indians was strange european diseases. because they didn't have doctors like we did they died from them and we did not |
I have some native american blood, Apache, my great grandmother was half.
I voted for colonists moving west,since before that time we were involved in wars with other countries,and we used the native americans,rather than start wiping them out. The mass slaughter of these great people started to happen as the country began to look westward.
I will add that it is very sad that such a thing happened.
The conditions we have put on indians today are for the most part weak attempts to save face.
While I will agree that it is sad that such a thing happened, I will also say that the reason the reservations do not get the kind of help we think they deserve is because they and their tribal leaders are still after all that has happened a very proud people and they prefer to be on their own from the US government. Being part of the government brings with it certain obligations that they are not willing to accept and rightfully so. Maintaining their independence on the reservations ensures their survival and the continuity of their people. If they were to become more mainstream if you will then sooner or later their heritage would be forgotten and their bloodlines diluted until their total extinction. Although their conditions may be harsh and unacceptable in my opinion they will continue to exist and their heritage will continue to be passed on from generation to generation.
The near destruction of the Native American is very similar to that of the Aboriginee in Australia. The movement of the White Man and actual efforts of eradication thinned the numbers to the present state for both populations. In both countries, efforts to make ammends have been offered, but you really cannot place a value on death, discrimination and pain that has been dealt over the years.
Just my thought,
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 863 86.3%
"Only the worst crimes of the Indian, and his own best deeds, does the white man tell"
-- Chief Yellow Wolf, whose people, the Nez Perce, were driven from their homelands across nearly a thousand miles of Pacific Northwest wilderness by the U.S. Army in 1877
Senate panel considers apology to American Indians
WASHINGTON, May 25 (Reuters) - A U.S. senator on Wednesday urged a Senate committee to pass a resolution apologizing on behalf of the United States to American Indians for centuries of massacres, broken promises and other injustices.
Indian leaders at the hearing said they would need more than an apology to overcome the poverty, substance abuse and health care problems that many of their people face.
Ref. https://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/N25390507.htm
I am a Native. A Blackfeet from Montana and I have many views on this subject. I can't speak for all tribes, but I can speak for my own. The Blackfeet were nomadic people and was forced to become farmers on lands that was unfarmable causing many Blackfeet to starve. We live off the land and followed the buffalo. It was a way of life and then all of a sudden we were supposed to eat a cow and grow wheat? On top of that we had the missionaries come in and take our children from the age of 5. They were beaten and raped. Who would have thought being "civilized" would hurt so much. We almost lost our language, our way of life and future in the name of God.
It is good to have an actual Native American respond here, I have a couple of questions:
1. Do you feel that anything can be done to reverse the effects (not reverse history) of what was done to the Native Americans? If so, what?
2. Do you think what they, the Native Americans, went through is similar, worst or on the same level of what African Americans went through with slavery?
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3241 100%