Looking For Play By Post Experts
I have many well developed and underdeveloped role-playing games here that just needs someone deeply interested and consistent to take them over. I'm not giving all to one person. I will rather have designates to each type of RPG and then they can further develop it in the front end and I will handle any background stuff (hosting, coding, etc.) that is needed.
I can help you here JB. Just let me know what you need. I am sure others will come forward too.
I'd help too but I'm not really good at being a GM. I'll look out to assist someone that thinks they need me though, but I think just have me like there in the game is assistance enough .
JB since you like moved away some of the RPs which ones are you looking at getting help with?
These are the two I will like taken over and made active:
* Plugged RPG - Based on Matrix Technology
* Be A Super Hero RPG
* Cozyville RPG - This will be opened to all Members
Now in some of those RPGs I will still have to run the background stuff, but as far as the scenarios go you can have full throttle. I know Krakyn tried with "Be A Super Hero RPG" but I do not know why it just abruptly stalled.
I suggest anyone wanting to GM any of these that they chose ONE. I do not want someone taking on a whole bunch of RPGs and then become burnt out.
JB I think you're better off running these. You know how to add all the graphics and stuff and its like second nature for you to run the games. I don't know how you can manage several games at once and all else you do, you're the man!
But like he suggested to someone else that there is no sense in him getting burned out because he was carrying all the weight by himself. If he got burned out and sick of it all and needed a break then what kind of hit would all the games that are being played take? It's possible that some of them or all of them could just cease to be. If I was more familiar with running games I would not hesitate to offer some assistance but I don't think that would be able to them justice