The Chinese and Japanese governments have done their own air sampling and found no trace of radioactive material, it was reported today in the news. So what's up with that? Was all a lie by the N. Korean government?
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 100%
Arvhic Post ID:98348
North Korea's dictator is far worse than Saddam, so it is a perfectly legitimate question to ask why Bush would attack one country and not the other, especially as we know NK has WMDs |
1981: Israel bombs Baghdad nuclear reactor The Israelis have bombed a French-built nuclear plant near Iraq's capital, Baghdad, saying they believed it was designed to make nuclear weapons to destroy Israel. |
Offtopic but, Arvhic Post ID:98348
My research on this statement revealed many statements like this one. BBC News Davar, New York, USA
Since I had not heard such a story I spent the afternoon researching. This is the worst thing I can find on the subject. The Saddam in Rumsfeld's Closet by Jeremy Scahill
Donald Rumsfeld just happened to be in Bagdad on the day mustard gas was used. Can you document for me the rational for him being blamed for leaping to Saddam's defense? |
International Level: Politician / Political Participation: 102 10.2%
North Korea is far closer to securing nuclear weapons than Saddam ever was. Israel bombing a nuclear reactor in Iraq does not at all mean Iraq had nuclear weapons. In fact we know they never did, this isn't even debatable. Every country has a sovereign right to have a nuclear power plant. The US has several of them. This doesn't mean that the plant is used to produce weapons. Just because Israel says something doesn't mean it is true. In fact Israel aren't known to be the most reliable when it comes to foreign statements.
It is also widely acepted that Kim Jong Il is far worse to his people than Saddam was. North Korea is in a desperate, poverty stricken state because of Kim. Hundreds of thousands have died. While Saddam was also a tyrant, he never starved his people. He treated the Sunnis very well and the others poorly, especially if you were believed to dissent his draconian rule of law. But before UN imposed economic santions, Iraq was actually one of the leading economies in the Middle East. It had a very high standard of living and literacy rate. It was still dangerous to voice any opposition to Saddam, but people weren't dying because of basic curable diseases and hunger. North Korea is the exact opposite.
Mousetrails, This topic is about North Korea, if you would like to continue a debate on Iraq you must post on the Iraq thread. I would be happy to continue such a debate there.
International Level: Negotiator / Political Participation: 453 45.3%
Australia said Monday it will ban North Korean ships from entering its ports in response to the Communist country's claimed test of a nuclear weapon.
Ref. cbc.ca/story/world/national/2006/10/16/australia-ban.html
North Korea said Tuesday the United Nations has declared war on the Communist country by imposing sanctions in response to its nuclear
weapon test.
Ref. https://www.cbc.ca/story/world/national/200...n-response.html
Oh shut up North Korea! Seriously! Your going to declare on who? The U.N.? So your essentially declaring war on the entire world. We already knew you were mad, but this is ludicrous. You can't just tell everyone that if they tell you your wrong that its an act of war, you don't have that kind of pull. As much as the US can't just go around starting fights because we don't like what countries are doing, North Korea cannot dictate to the rest of the world what determines an act of war, we learned years ago not to put up with bullies! So get over your selves, because I have a feeling that you aren't going to do anything unless China allows you to, and China wants to be a superpower so badly that they are going to keep their lap dog in place!
Konq, I doubt very much Jung visits the forum these days. *smile*
When I read this article I thought: What in the world are they thinking if they are thinking at all! Sounds serious and scary. It seems to me that they will no doubt in using the nuclear weapons they have against any country...or do you all think is *just* talk?
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 100%