Unfortunately, I have to agree with you. And the unfortunate isn't in the agreeing but the tens of thousands that will die because of this nut case. He's ratcheted things up quite a bit. I guess we may see which side China falls on too. That'll answer one of our debates.
Kim is not backing down. As fat as I see it Trump has the next move. Sanctions isn't going to do anything. We've been doing that for years and its got us to this point.
International Level: Junior Politician / Political Participation: 87 8.7%
You are correct in your assessment of Kim and that is unfortunate. I'm not sure what the next move is here that doesn't cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. That one man can be in this position, to cost so many lives, displays the sad state of humanity. The truly sad part is he is doing this solely to maintain his power and his cushy lifestyle while those around him suffer.
It wouldn't be so bad but China is the backbone of North Korea so no matter what we do China will secretly or even openly help buffer North Korea. The frightening thing for me is starting a war wit North Korea means starting war with China too because they will get involved.
International Level: New Activist / Political Participation: 16 1.6%
China may or may not get involved. It depends on their interests and our intentions. They like a buffer state between them and South Korea. They don't want the general prosperity that Souht Korea enjoys well known in China. That might call their system into question. But they would not risk a nuclear war that would destroy their country and send them to the Stone Age. That said, neither would we. But we could easily blunder into one. If our intention was simply to disarm the north of nukes and kill the crazy guy with the funny haircut, they might let us do that.
Edited: Abnninja on 8th Aug, 2017 - 4:03pm
I do not think it matters what our intentions to do is. While we have the full support of Russia and China as they have stated in the UN security council I still believe that China will quickly get involved and it is going to turn out much different than what we believe. This loose nut has stated more than once and I believe he is serious on turning the southern part into a land of death and fire.