QUOTE (Melodray @ 27-Dec 04, 1:20 AM) |
I think there is a strong possibility for China, if it should choose, to become a new Rome or Britain. Rome at one time controlled about 2/3rds of the known world. |
Former Chinese Communist Party chief Zhao Ziyang, who was ousted amid the
upheaval surrounding the 1989 Tiananmen Square crackdown on pro-democracy
protesters, has died at the age of 85, the state news agency Xinhua has
Ref. https://www.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/asiapcf/01/1...zhao/index.html
What is China's role in the East, are they the evil empire or are they the stabilizing force? Do they want war? If you think so explain your theory. I personally think they are for lack of a better term kind of an ally with regard to N. Korea and U.S relations. They have a huge Army yes and Nukes but can they deploy this Army? I think not, logistically this would be impossible as far as the nukes what do they have to gain from using them? Destroy the US and the whole world goes straight into chaos. China does not want this, they may be the last of the evil empires but total world domination they have never wanted this.
I am not sure if they are either stabilizing or destabilizing. They seem more like the employee that isnt exactly happy, but doesnt know what they want to do with their life. To some degree, the world stability was better when they were very isolated. Much like the balkans were more "stable" when Tito was in charge. However, these regimes do some very bad things to the people within.
With all that said, the US will not be able to remain on top forever. History has taught us this well. If the cycles are correct for empires, the US has another approximate 50 years. China with its growing power could easily end up taking its place.
I do not see China remaining Communist for too long. The capitalism virus has spread too far and there will be no turning back and this is a good thing for the people. My only question will be wether or not it takes a civil war to complete the transformation from Communism to something else. If it is a civil war, they definitely will not be a stabilizing force. If it is a bloodless transformation, they could easily end up being the top world power. Either way, China will certainately be a force in the world for years to come.
Just a thought,
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 863 86.3%
You may be right on top of this one. I agree if China does go thru the change and they are no longer a Communist country they could very well end up on top of the world. But I do think it will take a very long time for the whatever new government takes it's place to restructure trade and for businesses to to grow to a size that can compete with the rest of the worlds trade. Attitudes will have to change and not to mention the internal strife of dealing with the years of abuse and lack of freedom. There will still be lingering distrust of any new government untill the people of China come to terms with the lies and propaganda they have been exposed to for decades.
Tensions rise over China currency
The U.S. Treasury Department has issued its strongest warning yet to China over its currency, saying the country could be deemed a "manipulative trade partner" if it does not revalue the yuan soon.
Ref. https://edition.cnn.com/2005/BUSINESS/05/17...yuan/index.html
My parents only returned from a holiday to China three weeks ago. They said the amount if development there is mind blowing. China is currently building what will be the world's greatest engineering feat, the Yanksee Dam. It is truly amazing the transformation that is taking place over there.
I think China is a communist country by name, but certainly not by nature. It apears to have unofficially dropped this ideology a while back. It is very much a capitalist regime, but not a democracy.
I don't think it is in the US's interest to antagonise what will surely be the next superpower. At present they are a stabilising force in Asia, lets hope it stays that way.
International Level: Negotiator / Political Participation: 453 45.3%
Trade tensions between the United States and China escalated Wednesday when the Bush administration said it will set new limits on the amount of clothing that China can ship to America.
Ref. https://deseretnews.com/dn/view/1%2C1249%2C...35060%2C00.html