He probably would, but that's assuming many things. Israel turning against the US is just as likely as US turning against Israel - why would they do that?
After all, Israelis aren't really supermen. Or are they? |
Not that I believe it would ever happen. However, if it were to occur, then Israel would have some serious issues. There military is designed to fend off and infiltrate their neighbors - not someone thousands of miles away. They really would not stand much of a chance in a long range engagement and would always be on the defensive. That being said, I really would never want to try and take that land over as you have seen what has happened to those that have tried since the 60's. So I would not see Israel winning, but it would put up a mighty struggle on the defensive to maintain its land. Just not sure they have the numbers to hold back a all out US offensive.
Just a thought,
U.S. Navy Court of Inquiry's investigation into the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty
For more than 30 years, I have remained silent on the topic of USS Liberty. I am a military man and when orders come in from the Secretary of Defense and President of the United States, I follow them. However, recent attempts to rewrite history compel me to share the truth.
Ref. https://www.ifamericansknew.org/us_ints/ul-boston.html
I am quite surprised no one has responded to this...
The evidence was clear. Both Admiral Kidd and I believed with certainty that this attack, which killed 34 American sailors and injured 172 others, was a deliberate effort to sink an American ship and murder its entire crew. Each evening, after hearing testimony all day, we often spoke our private thoughts concerning what we had seen and heard. I recall Admiral Kidd repeatedly referring to the Israeli forces responsible for the attack as "murderous bastards." It was our shared belief, based on the documentary evidence and testimony we received first hand, that the Israeli attack was planned and deliberate, and could not possibly have been an accident. |
Israel attacked the Liberty so they could electronically blind the U.S. so they could take the Golan Heights before the U.S. demanded they stop the offensive.
I read an interesting take on the US/Israel relationship. Bascially in the US, if pro-Israeli lobby groups are the most powerful in Congress.
They even fund opponents to any politician who speaks out against Israel.
United States of Israel? Robert Fisk The Independent The two men have caused one of the most extraordinary political storms over the Middle East in recent American history by stating what to many non-Americans is obvious: that the US has been willing to set aside its own security and that of many of its allies in order to advance the interests of Israel, that Israel is a liability in the "war on terror", that the biggest Israeli lobby group, Aipac (the American Israel Public Affairs Committee), is in fact the agent of a foreign government and has a stranglehold on Congress - so much so that US policy towards Israel is not debated there - and that the lobby monitors and condemns academics who are critical of Israel. "Anyone who criticises Israel's actions or argues that pro-Israel groups have significant influence over US Middle East policy," the authors have written, "...stands a good chance of being labelled an anti-Semite. Indeed, anyone who merely claims that there is an Israeli lobby runs the risk of being charged with anti-Semitism ... Anti-Semitism is something no-one wants to be accused of." This is strong stuff in a country where - to quote the late Edward Said - the "last taboo" (now that anyone can talk about blacks, gays and lesbians) is any serious discussion of America's relationship with Israel. |
On June 7, 1967, Israel launched an attack on the USS Liberty that resulted in the deaths of 34 crewmembers and wounding of more than 170. Whether the attack was intentional or accidental has been a controversial topic for decades. The National Security Agency is now releasing intelligence that could answer some pressing questions. We'll bring you an exclusive look at Israeli communications intercepted during the attack. |
well, not really supermen, but I often think the luck was too much on our side in former wars. All of the surrounding countries against Israel, with supplied weapons from the Soviet union. And Israel, a lone country somehow managing to defeat them all. |
Name: Ben
Comments: For starters, there is no way Israel was behind 9/11. The mossad tried to warn the US and it was our own government that failed to listen. Also, while it is true that the IDF is not designed for long distance fighting, they have shown that they can handle it. In 1976 they flew into Uganda to rescue Israeli hostages being held at Entebbe airport and in 1981 they bombed the nuclear reactor near Baghdad. The US and Israel would never go to war in a million years for a myriad of reasons. Israel is basically a buffer between middle eastern terrorists and the US. Think about it, with no Israel where would Hezbollah, Hamas, and the PLO look to attack? and also the American public would not back a US invasion of Israel when they see the damage that Israeli soldiers will inflict. They are without a doubt the best trained military in the world and their air force is just as strong as they have fought numerous air battles outnumbered by a lot and still come out on top. America and Israel work together when it comes to fighting, there is just no way they would turn on each other, they both depend on each other too much.