Highest incarceration rate?

Highest Incarceration Rate - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 18th Aug, 2003 - 5:04pm

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18th Aug, 2003 - 9:41am / Post ID: #

Highest incarceration rate?

:spock: Seems like the first world power cannot get its' people to obey the law. Maybe there are too many vices around? In a land of opportunity and freedom there should not be so much crime.

US notches world's highest incarceration rate
Some say the numbers point to broader failures in US society. By Gail
Russell Chaddock

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Post Date: 18th Aug, 2003 - 5:04pm / Post ID: #

Highest incarceration rate?
A Friend

rate incarceration Highest

In a land of opportunity and freedom there should not be so much crime

You are right, Jb.  There shouldn't be so much crime.  But unfortunately, there is.  I don't know about elsewhere in the US or in the world, but in Mississippi, they even jail absent parents for failure to pay child support.  I remember seeing on the news one time, that they were having to build on to the Parchment penitenary (the Mississippi federal jailhouse) due to the over crowding of prisoners.  Plus, the convicted felons are not allowed to vote, apply for certain jobs, or apply for certain types of government aid.

With the US changing the laws all the time for stop certain crimes, like drug trafficking, drug dealers, the crime rate will keep going up.  

> TOPIC: Highest incarceration rate?


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